I am a sexy anime man

Oi oi oi…. Behhhhka… I am a 6’7 tall, Asian man with hot messy black hair, and I am the CEO of Samsung. My net worth is estimated to be about 6 billion dollars, and I have no kids. I love animals, and I have 2 dogs. I am also a secret assassin for my lord, giggleshits the 3rd. Many women thirst over me, but I stay loyal to my partner. Let’s just say… It’s pretty big, not to brag… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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you should be banned from the forum

if anyone should be banned it’s you

weakness means death

You will have a brave ending if you take each other out

I’ma take his mom out first just you see

im a girl

Ay guys (@wesree and @opticalcord ) dm eachother and if ya live close to eachother meet up for an ustawka (more commonly known as irl 1v1) and stream it pls :3

Dis will solve all problem fr


unfortunately it will not happen…:broken_heart:

you were magic doping and became ashamed didn’t you

erm no :rage::rage:

Asian? Now I know you’re lying about your height. You’re all genetically hard wired to be just short enough that I can’t fit in any of your vehicles.

Racist… RACIST!!!

Nuh uh

what did this say

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 1.33.10 AM

this does not answer my question