I am sorry

You’re about… 5 weeks too late

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Well, Robin said that being good will make your skin brighter and eyes bluer. It definitely wasn’t intentional but I do think that the post being closed was the best option.

I don’t hold anything against him though. It was an honest mistake.

That is what it said at first, but I changed it to be More pronounced to avoid confusion.

Still caused confusion tho

this is literally a game on roblox


you guys are acting like he said everyone good gets their stat points changed to 100 and turn pale
everyone bad turns brown/tan and get negative stats lmfao

The problem is that blue eyes and white skin were associated with better morality in the suggestion. Stereotypes like these can be harmful.

this is a roblox game not everything has to be linked to real life


Like I said, poorly worded. My bad.

Its fine. It was an accident and the post was closed anyways.

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That is literally what he said at the beginning before editing it.

Not really what I meant tho.

also I said that everyone bad had their skin turn grey, cracked, and weathered.

Honestly, all I could think of with this suggestion was just the reputation appearence effects you’d get in the Fable series games

Doesn’t change the fact you literally described every aspect of the Aryan race for good rep.(Other than blonde hair)

Ah yes, blue eyes means racist


Pale skin, blue eyes, halo.

Darker skin, gray eyes for bad rep.


You think hitler had a halo?

Halos don’t have much to do with anything racist, it’s just part of the Aryan race.

And yes in Nazi propaganda he did
