I am Starving for Sunken Armor

Good Morning gamers. so for context, my ass has 8k fishes with magnetic collector and 0 SUNKEN, and i am starving for sunken boots (armor aswell if possible), i do not care if they are unclean but please, feed a poor man some sunken gear

I offer those seasonals, idk what they’re worth anymore but yeah

Is a Clean SUnken Helm ok for you ?

i mostly want sunken boots, if not possible armor is fine, helmet is last resort

My brother in christ I got like 5 sunkens from 6k catches

I got 3 from 3500 catches.

i got a few sunken boots

headless > sunken sword > sunken chestplate > sunken boots > sunken helmet > halloween seasonals > fourth of july > meta gear > everything else

the halloween items will shoot up in value next halloween event (which will happen in ao probably)

Just use nuclear’s value list

Has enchant value too, ignore boss values since those don’t matter anymore

how much halloween seasonals do you think is worth a sunken helmet

Not sure, probably like 8 or something, I’m not good with valuesnfor items under sunkens

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what do you want for 1

idk what u offering

the seasonals attached to the post

ik but how many

All, don’t think it’s enough

ill give u a boot for all of them


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its ok someone gave me sunken boots for free, i won’t say who cause ik that will just make people go ask them for free stuff

If you just need the boots regardless of enchant, I can offer a nimble/forceful version for 4 Halloweens of my choosing, and 4 July 4ths.