I am The Noble. A God amongst men

shut it kid, before we tax you again. Dont even THINK about threatening the light of noble.

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booger booger booger booger

I pray to nooblet now let me go no0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0oo0

I’m… eerliy concerned about this message but mmmmmyes :fr:

noble go brr???

I fear for my fucking life here let me go already I prayed to the big lord nooblet plz let me go :raised_hands:

Lets go* you are now free :frsmile:

mmyes very epic I shall now ascend


Inspirational quote from Doge King himself.

hes in noble asian


wait what
i don’t see no freking noble tag anywhere

damn bro since you dont even know about the noble members how could you slander The Noble?

wait what
i don’t see no freking noble tag anywhere
(yes i did copy paste this)

fr bro jsut because he doesn’t have a noble tag in the forums dosent mean hes in it

aight imma change that
should have known
just give the kid one then

fr people overreact over noble jokes :frsleepin:

THE NERVE OF THIS GUY!!! More like a god of some sort

Triggering doesn’t work when we know you are ironic

L1.Dc_vi12 welcomes you to the forum.


I’m greater than you, in every way shape and form. Also more intelligent than you (exponentially so). I am better than you, in every facet of life, and I don’t even know you, however, I just know, that I am. Am I a narcissist? I don’t know, I am a fucking God. You have no clue who you are witnessing. I am so vastly superior, and intelligent, that I can infer all of this, with 100% accuracy. You are like an ant, and I am a GOD. You do not even fly on my radar, let alone get acknowledgement, from the likes of me. I know you can sense my superiority, my power, my intelligence,and you are trying to pretend you don’t feel it, its real. To conclude, your tears only increase my damage.