I am very sad. :(

he was probably replying to pedro anyway
bugger didn’t even add on shit to the subject
nearly everyone at this point knows that npcs somehow aren’t harmed by lava

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Woah what happened???

Holy this is a very dangerous post…!

This happened.

I know a way to solve this.

Are you getting this worked up after being told a few mean words

Are you sending words towards a innocent otter that is clapping?

I do agree that his annoyance to is justified since it’s like you made a computer with all your time and the best possible Items and tools and once finished someone says that they think it could be better or that it’s bad you would be angry since they don’t know all the, time, sweat, and effort it took to make it. But I do think that some of his replies could be better phrased as sometimes it comes off as rude and the person he replied to would think he is rude.

i mean jumbo is kind of … yknow

Vetex called Jumbo a retard. Jumbo called Vetex’s brother an edgy crybaby. Jumbo gets tempbanned.

Jumbo wasn’t in the right, but it isn’t fair that Jumbo gets punished for something Vetex does constantly.

It’s hypocritical.


i see your point, and i somewhat agree

but at the end of the day, i dont really care enough about roblox forum to care whether someone is hypocritical , most of the time its a bit funny ngl,

Plus Vetex is is on like . . . barely ever?

(the forums)

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This whole situation is a pretty big mix of tense and awkward at the same time. I’d feel bad if someone was being overcritical of something I made but at the same time I think it would’ve been better to respond in a more controlled fashion that wouldn’t intimidate other people upon finding it. I mean, everyone always invisions the developer as some “Magical Perfect Person” but hey, they’re human as well. Just because they can create a pretty cool game doesn’t mean they don’t have emotions. Not to call anyone out but I kinda feel like that was more directed at Pedro since Ultra really didn’t say anything wrong but at the same time IDK I’m not Vetex.

In the end I guess that the best way is to forgive and forget on both sides. Everyone kinda did something, and there’s always a way to compromise a conflict.


EDIT: Well, looks like the post has been closed. If you’re a new reader of this thread I’d like to take this moment to (try and) alleviate some of the frustration/disappointment that you might be feeling right now. Vetex’s immature behaviour is certainly a dark side of the WoM community, but that’s not to say that it defines what this community is. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity and let it warp your view of things but always try to remember that you’re often looking at a small dark spot on an otherwise good entity. That and the fact that we are aware and mature enough to discuss this matter in a civil way suggests that there is potential for change for the better. Always try and stay positive everyone :blush:

Yes, this.

While at first I found Vetex’s response to be quite uncalled for, I’ve decided that I should reserve my judgement after doing a bit of thinking. I’ve no doubt that Vetex has put in an insane amount of time and effort into developing this game. That’s something that most us probably cant understand. If you’re so heavily invested both physically and emotionally into something, of course repetitive critique over something that should have already been resolved would be immensely frustrating.

Is his reaction to this correct? No. I dont condone being toxic under any circumstances. However, I understand perfectly why he might act this way and I wont hold it against him. We’re all human at the end of the day and humans sometimes cant be in perfect control of all their emotions.


I don’t see anyone is complaining in the area that you mentioned.
that’s a casual talk, but maybe this question has already came up for too many times, I agree on this point.
freedom of speech provides you the right to speak anything you like and the right to speak at any attitude, but it does not provide you protection form hates. no matter who you are, how superior you are. we have no right to judge anyone who speaks at the same attitude as us because that’s the way you are.
you have the right to speak as a racist, but it will never provide you protection form hates, speech attacks, and legal responsibilities. although it isn’t that serious here, it still acts the same. i understand how Vetex is angry with Jumbo’s speech, but I don’t agree that Vetex has the right to ban Jumbo since he has spoken in the same attitude. also, as this is a kind of minor hate speech, this does not lead to a directional, targeted speech attack. yes, sure we do be angry with whoever gave an aggressive speech towards our families, apologies should be given by then, but we do not have the right to fully block the public speech right of anyone, we are not a judge, nor karma police.
no matter who you are, a player, a developer, or even a troll, these are basic common knowledge you should know and understand.

if you are annoyed form these kinds of questions/threads, making a forum announcement that is pinned and everyone can see can help killing the questions/threads which comes over and over again.
players are players. most of them cannot see whats the codes and what have you done. they will just say what they’ve seen. each of them is independent, if no announcement at all, the same thing will keep appearing. that is why transparency is essential in modern society. we don’t have the ability to see through everything. although we should not judge anything before we’ve seen it, we cannot assume people can understand anything.

i am not offensive nor blaming. we are human. we do make mistakes. what I am saying is the suggestion of how to improve this forum.
that’s it.


He is definitely immature. If I’m being generous, he isn’t mature enough to recognize that he could have someone else handle community feedback for him if he can’t handle his 16 yr old vidya game playerbase.

A game dev needs to be cognizant of the impact their words will have when they talk directly about the game. This is something that indie devs seem to have a problem wrapping their heads around…you know, being professional. I don’t understand why indie game devs should be particularly exempt from very basic work etiquette. I fail to see why Vetex, a 20 year old, shouldn’t be held accountable to that standard. Indie development is not a pass to be an asshole to other people.

To be clear: this is definitely mediocre (if toxic) behavior to expect from a 20 year old guy. **And the behavior is definitely not right for a game developer who is interacting in their forum about their game, what it is like, etc to people who are younger than him. You may think that isn’t a red flag, but it’s definitely worrying that he will abuse power against minors. Shit may be nuanced because he is young, but at the end of the day shit’s simple: there is no reason for a dev to act like this in a game forum.

My god, do not simp for him or whatever people are going to call it now. If he were in any other job, ESPECIALLY if he were working with a team with minimal supervision (and let me tell you, video game development is filled with shitty supervisors), he would be fired. Hearing you all vacillate on clearly shitty behavior from the dev is getting me exhausted.


he would be fired.

I can’t do a proper quote becauase it has a spoiler tag
I don’t think that WoM is his job.

If it is his game that he made and if he gets proceeds from making the game then he has responsibilities to be professional.

Point two since this case is particularly pertinent to forums:

Say that you are a forum moderator. You volunteered for the position and are not being paid for work. Say that you use that power to temp ban people you don’t like. This is still an abuse of power and the community guidelines and is grounds to divest moderator powers from you (not you, but you know what I mean).

Vetex has moderator privileges that he uses in abuse of TOS. Even if he were to make the argument of “muh game muh rules,” forum moderation is a different ballgame. There are clear and delineated responsibilities for moderation in both paid and unpaid capacities. Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

I agree that the way he handled the Jumbo thing was immature and an abuse of power, but it didn’t break ToS.

When it comes to moderating discourse, he essentially has autocratic power.

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Well then, that’s is what is called “a problem.” Usually that means the TOS is “fucking useless.”

inb4 Vetex comes and shuts this whole fucking thread down
EDIT: I called it
I fucking called it
even if it was headless I don’t care