I am very sad. :(

I don’t think Vetex likes me very much.

This is the thread btw.


oof, i started panicking when it start reply lol

I honestly think vetex is a shitty dev, never tries to just talk to ppl always as to insult them in some way for no reason

love his games tho


He’s a really good developer. He just insults people way too much.


If he wasn’t Vetex, he probably would have tons of flagged posts.

vetex was a little too aggresive right there.
he could have just said at the end:
can you like, stop complaining bout the ai when it already has the best one?
thats more kind than just telling someone to stop BITCHing around

he’s always like that, insulting everyone, dw

well at least i can quote his lines because is very fun use a developer to insult

why do devs for actually good rpgs/games have at least 1 major flaw
i have seen this happen to andrew berezaa, creator of vesteria.
he has had some problems.
but why does vetex need to also have a flaw, which is his toxicity.


tl;dr : Vetex can be kind of harsh and words things slightly poorly imo, but if people would be respectful and inform themselves before making suggestions this probably wouldn’t be as big of an issue. I’m not saying you specifically are disrespectful, but probably really repetitive.

I can understand why he’d respond like that, but I think he’s a teensy bit harsh / I wouldn’t word it exactly as he does (spec. retard, no thanks).

Maybe if he was lighter in tone / more humorous in it I don’t think it’d be as big of a deal. Pure sarcasm or an overly harsh tone for the sake of being humorously so doesn’t tend to translate well through text. If he wants to seem purely unapproachable I guess that’s fair given how often he must be bombarded with the same shit.

From my (extremely limited) experience, he’s fine if you’re not being a complete glue-eating smooth-brain or extremely ill-informed despite resources available. Like people repeatedly demanding the same thing on the forums despite people already having made those points.

This is different than something like multiple people discussing the same thing in various different topics because that stuff fades in and out of relevance all the time. Repeated suggestions are understandably really annoying.

An example would be multiple people talking about a level cap raise for the next update vs people suggesting the same thing over and over again. The level cap is more of a discussion and is generally unanimously agreed upon that it should happen, however there’s only been on request/suggestion made as far as I know. A suggestion that’s been shut down numerous times and keeps resurfacing is annoying, especially given that people don’t really seem to search if one’s been made before.


there is also the fact that you cant unlike his comments

i found that that is ACTUALLY TRUE.
why the fuck would vetex do that?

oh bruh I didn’t see your post now I made another one exactly because of his reply lmao

Nah but I think he was talking to all of us, not only me or you

ngl only problem I got with vet on the forums is him always locking down a thread after he makes a reply, basically killing the thread and forcefully stopping the entire convo

but otherwise his reactons are reasonable imo, like come on there are thousands of people constantly asking him for shit, sure it sucks he lost his cool (if he even had it since the beginning I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t there) overtime, but at least he doesn’t make entire essays and shit about stupid ideas from people like yanderedev does

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That’s not true

When a like is a day old, you can’t unlike it. This is to prevent people from liking a bunch of posts, waiting for their likes to refresh, then unliking all of the previous posts to get twice as many likes.

You can unlike Vetex’s comments as long as they aren’t old.

Click here if the video doesn’t work.


I understand why he responds that way. Repeated suggestions from people that don’t know the game as well as you do is really annoying.

However, his reactions go a bit too far imo.

For example, he called @JUMBO a retard, then put his account on hold for being toxic.



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People should have the freedom to say whatever the hell they want in whatever way they want, and that includes Vetex. The fact that he’s a developer that makes good games only makes him deserve that right even more, ESPECIALLY on this forum. This forum wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for him.

Vetex being a developer does not mean that he has to serve people kind words on a silver platter with a cherry on top. Don’t dim down his rights or the work he has done for us.

Note: I’m not saying that you aren’t allowed dislike Vetex, it’s just that you shouldn’t force him or expect him to be your simp and be nice to all of you.


He has the right to say these things. That doesn’t change the fact that they are very rude.

Also, multiple people have gotten flagged, and one person got temporarily banned, for being toxic. It isn’t fair that Vetex gets to call people “bitchy” and “retards.”



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The post he replied to was stupid anyway

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