I can unload ship with cargo but cargo is in my storage, waht do i do

Enizor gave me the dark shards quest so he cant unload my ship for some reason and i cant take the cargo out

Complete the quest… or get edward kenton

where is edward kenton and completing quest is too risky im not tryna lose my cargo

Elm island

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go use someone else’s ship

like ask a friend

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if i redock my shipp will i lose my cargo?

idk will you

idk thats why im asking u, im not trynas lose over 500 galleons worth of cargo

bro :skull:
u can get that amount back in like 30 seconds of selling stuff

(person who has stuff only)

i havent seen u in a min lmfao, nah ik its for the exp, i went from sameria to redwake

ooh alr then that makes more sense
anyways you only really have two options and both have already been mentioned: get kenton or complete the quest

i dont think i an equip kenton without re docking tho
weird inconvenience in the game tbh

ye thats true
lemme just test if redocking gets rid of stored cargo rq cuz im kinda curious myself

appreciate that gang,

pre redock:

post redock:

aight bet thanks

to add onto this thread
after going to the title screen and joining a nimbus server:

after a complete rejoin (closing ao and reopening it):

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