I feel like this should be said

instead of choosing what magic you are going to use in ao, i think you should wait until ao releases since vetex has updated the magic selection screen to show stats and also what the magic does and also since the base magics have most likely been updated to have different stats

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I’m going to pick whatever is the biggest, most destructive magic.

i’m chosing all of them so it makes no difference to me shrug
(i just realized i forgot to change pfp back )

fat magic

uhh but ice

Im sticking to Light/Moonlight for the overall esthetic of my character also cuz i just like it! But i agree people shouldn’t jump the gun too soon unless its dor the visuals

metamancing :face_vomiting:


Only a few magics have had their stats changed, and we already know the stats of every WoM magic due to Meta and Fluect’s doc

Besides, most people will probably just choose a magic they really like regardless of its stats


Since when?


when did he put the stats in the magic select screen

theres a post somewhere but i cba to find it so just trust me idk

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like before the guild or fishing update iirc, it was so long ago and decently common knowledge/ out of our scope of concern for a long time that i and others don’t really remember much on the exact origin but it’s somewhere

vetex never did, we all just did calculations from what we see in the damge and how dmg is multiplied

surf around in this topic and various links

In AO’s magic selection screen there’s a summary of each magic’s stats


oh u guys were talking about ao specifcally and not wom, but neat, i forgot about that

i am putting that as a solution since it will let people see that vetex actually added it

i’m picking lightning because lightning cool


Was water one? Please tell me they nerfed it :pray:
I love water, but its kinda op

Fire , snow , magma

explosion magic go brr