I hate that one sailors lodge npc

so this is the leviathan that made people curious since that one guy at sailors lodge told us about it. It’s a woman, not a sea beast, it has storm magic and lunar magic lightning too but nobody cares about that
there’s also hallbjorn who made us very curious too and everyone thought he had the mist curse idk if that even exists
octavius too also king caesar is octavius not nero

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wtf where do i find this

development updates or trello

well we knew it was small and had some sort of magic or weather control so nothing really unexpected
id rather fight a strong wizard than a random tiny shark who can summon thunder

got added like 3 hrs ago i think

Kraken aaah ripoff :sob:

At this point he’s gonna be way easier than I expected. Cuz his body is not as experienced as Nero’s at using curse, so we won’t have a bad time dealing with him.

Morden(frauden) level fodder😭

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Same, I was kinda hyped that there would be such a small sea monster with such great power
I was even excited to think up the effects of its meat
Guess I can still do that tho-

honestly id RATHER fight a shark but not a tiny shark a big shark that you can actually fight on the surface, a wizard fight is alright but

it could be monster hunter

it’s so obvious it’s just going to be the kraken but in ao lol

I doubt that, if she’s supposed to be harder with each encounter with her she sounds more just like someone we’ll end up running into once in a while to duke it out, not gods most annoying boss

i think she’ll just scale with seas like the kraken did in aa lol

she IS optional if you don’t wanna fight her just get away

Was specifically stated to get harder with each encounter but we’ll see I guess

That’s not the point I’m making, more looking at how Kraken was a headache

i think it meant getting stronger with each encounter like each encounter would be each sea

me when i go 100 meters away from the kraken (he can’t detect me anymore)

He could easily just make it work like how rivals work now so she gets stronger the more encounters you have with her (with a cap obviously) and scales as you level more

Doesn’t matter Kraken was still a headache

yeah only thing is that there’s a rival for each player and this is a boss, I don’t think there will be one of each player since if there’s someone with less encounters, by following your logic she’d get weaker and if 2 people with different amount of encounters fight her then it’ll be a mess

Based off how she’s being described she sounds more like the type of boss that you end up running into through a series events, like how Caesar isn’t a story boss but we’ll still be fighting him once we progress through a questline

I don’t think it would be unreasonable for her to scale like a rival at all since that’s quite literally how she’s described, and stuff could be implemented to very easily make it so theres a workaround for multiple people fighting her

I don’t think he has a curse, I think he’s just cursed straight up.

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i also don’t think he has one