I hate that one sailors lodge npc

It could quite literally just function as an emergency quest, she pulls up and starts attacking you, and then once you’ve gone through the current encounters with her for that sea she has a set spawn at the last encounter of that sea where she’s the max level for that sea’s scaling

questline for the same boss every seaa

This pretty much, he just sounds far far gone more or less

Emergency quest, not questline

Quite literally just a pop up and “oh hey shes here”

yeah yeah i still think vetex’s doing the kraken idea since i’m pretty sure a lot of people want a krakenish boss anyway

I doubt people want another Kraken lol that dude was either insufferable or boring

a lot of people want him back bru he was such an unique boss lol

He was unique cause he spawned in the sea and sat still. That’s it. Nothing else about him was unique. He could be cheesed, was annoying to fight head on, and was generally just not interesting at all

it was still fun

The kraken absolutely sucked as a boss back in AA but I am certain that it can be executed better than it was then.

No reason to trash the concept just because it was done badly the one time it was done.
(I distinctly remember AA kraken having iframes for minutes at a time)

I think the boss could be better now but if Kraken’s gonna come back in some form Kraken should just… Be better. That fight was just super boring or not fun. I’d also just rather not have a boss whos stated to have storm AND lunar magic be a dweeb just standing still somewhere really

I heavily disagree but I can’t convince you and wont

yeah he had just like maria only thing i found annoying on his boss fight tbh

when i said like kraken i meant a boss that spawns anywhere in the sea and targets players, of course she won’t just stand still. Maybe she’s in a pre-set island or a conjuction of sunken ships or something

Well when you say Kraken the first thing I think of is just a guy sitting completely still out in the sea doing basically nothing but throwing projectiles at you for just passing by


“reoccurring boss for a few seas” implies that she’ll be just like kraken

What’s bronze sea+ is that like ng+? Dlc?

bronze sea+ means it won’t be only bronze it’ll be nimbus vimir etc overall it’ll appear in the bronze sea and other seas ahead