(i have given up on WOM2) uncapped wom info

i will add to this when i get stronger so feel free to bookmark


adept quest

charging effects

adept lightning charging effects

advanced lightning charging effects

advanced lightning charging effects with sword


ultimate art lightning blast circle

ultimate art lightning explosion circle

lightning hover

lightning mode casting

lightning mode

lightning flight casting

lightning flight


explosion adept charging effects (?)

explosion hover

:st3: notes :st3:

  • level cap is 10,000
  • weapons have uncapped damage; even if the bar for “base damage” is full, it will still increase when you upgrade it
  • i think only certain magics have access to flight, mode and hover (can’t confirm)
  • storyline still the same as before
  • your charging effects change everytime you get a new wizard ranking
  • speed mode increases flight speed
  • any piece of equipment that could reach level 90 in capped wom, can be upgraded all the way to 200 in uncapped wom (need to do more research on this)
  • starter wizard: 1 - 24
    novice wizard: 25 - 49
    apprentice wizard: 50 - 99
    adept wizard: 100 - 249
    advanced wizard: 250 - 499 (need to check)
    elite wizard: 500 - ???

Super cool!!!

@Derp get in here and post your explosion pictures

@Derp please do man i will add it to the post


Bargabafa no im too lazy

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i assume the quest exp is gonna be better at higher levels but that one was just above advanced level in terms of exp


he uncapped armors too? :scream:

Better than AO confirmed

i’m gonna add to this when i get stronger, so feel free to bookmark it

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There was no armor cap in the first place, you just couldn’t upgrade past your own level

i couldve sworn that all of the wom items were only supposed to go up to level 100, i guess he just never needed to implement it

nah, theres a cap for items which is 200

Even if not there is still a crown cap. You can’t enchant/upgrade items over 5k

is that evidence of a crown cap yet

Is there no crown cap?

I always thought this as well

i mean so far