I just realized something

im guessing british since npcs in the dark sea talk about both blue fire and british people in the same sentence, so…

what if

Its constantly raining and everyone is too miserable to do anything including the villians, so nothing happens

also you can only invest in weapons and the only weapons available are daggers

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I just realised…

The whole Dark Sea…


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The tornados?

Just good ol’ Storm Emma

The Lightning?

Eh, that’s just the powerlines

The Giant Waves?

Man you must be near Cornwall

The Sharks?

Ay thats just a shank fish

The Islands?

Must be the Isle of Man

The Crazy Mutated Atlanteans and Sirens?

Thats just the Chavs and their birds


This logically means nimbus sea is france

Would that also mean that we would have Napoleon in Arcane Odyssey!?

Who knows.

Is france known for having sand and racists?

i mean they used to be known for the latter (idk im not a historian)

Well for one, yes.

Two, if the dark sea is Britain and all seas are south of the bronze sea, this makes the bronze sea iceland
So you go south through the dark sea (Britain) and then reach the nimbus sea (france)

Yeah but the bronze sea contains Italy
I think that when you go south in AO, you are moving north through Europe

ok but its been proven that the war seas are greek (mount othrys and mount helicon both exist and show that north-south is flipped so azura must be really far south)

If you’re moving from Italy north that means you’re moving to Austria which is only known for racism but not sand
Clearly you are moving south to Libya which has both sand and racism


Maybe some of the countries got moved around a bit. It is possible that frostmill is greenland and is just randomly in the incorrect location.

nah frostmill is an iceberg
besides its a little small to be greenland

Yeah that, along with the location is why I don’t really think it is.

Name an interesting fact about Austria that doesn’t have to do with Hitler

mozart is from austria