I love lord vetex

vetex = god
ao = holy creation

god < tigerbaby
all hail tigerbaby

vetex’s fans > tigerbaby

whos tigerbaby

This is untrue!!!
tigerbaby is god, vetexs fans are only following in the war of god!!!
-50 social credit points for false information!!!


This must be some eccentric roleplay or something.

no erp :pensive:

I don’t sure


Help. Check if he is right or no

Go back to school if you think “I don’t sure” is a good reply

Dang it again T9 is editing my posts. Even if I don’t want it to do it

who is T9

T9 is that one thing that correcting words that I am writing

I don’t know its real name

You mean the system?

Yes, system

then you could have said that colour inverter :confused:

He don’t sure

In Vetex we trust

Edit (Just realized how old this post is, everyone here is probably dead :skull:)