I made a kitsune architect cuz why not

Hey this design’s pretty cute!

I like it!

I mean like, going back design wise, how the hell was I supposed to know her hair was the 9 tails when like 2-3 of her bangs are behind her body??? I suppose the eyes are kind of a giveaway but as warmwater has stated before there’s dozens of characters to the moon and beyond that have anime glowy eyes so that could imply anything, and having claws doesn’t really allude to much since that’s a weapon anybody can have

Anyway I’m just gonna stop yapping since I’m nearing the lineart phase of my project and I gotta lock in, cya

the fact your first post was “mean spirited” is why they did that
you cant say you said something bad then blame someone for being mad at it??
maybe if you actually thought about how to word that shit this wouldve of never happened
maybe instead of going something like “uhmm… I dont see anything KITSUNE about this…” maybe go “I dont see what makes this oc a kitsune, is there a reason for that” or anything better than whatever you said

also whether or not its a recreation or just another kitsune it doesnt really matter now cause its gonna carry the same intention that “out of spite” gives off and i dont think theres any backing out of that. im sure you dont give a shit though cause why would you
think about what youre saying before you post anything instead of putting the blame on people who get reasonably upset with you

I felt the fact that kitsunes are usually disguised to be enough of a giveaway. The hair being 9 tails is a bit ridiculous of a clue, but it doesn’t have to make sense for US.

i don’t think the design is made in such a way that you’re intended to figure that she’s a kitsune by looking at her since it is a disguise and any design can be passed off as artistic liberties anyway, but that you’re able to see little hints and markers after you already know she is one

the hair might not show all 9 tails, but the different locks are still shaped like fox tails, and that’s also just how hair works, you can’t see all of it from a front viewing angle

Does she technically have really thick dreadlocks? If not, does she have actual tail appendages running down her head?

it’s just hair that looks kinda like tails

I’m gonna admit maybe I could’ve kept my mouth shut earlier but at this point I’m so far in there’s no turning back even if I wanted to


(This will still take quite a few hours)

I had a thought “hm, wouldn’t an architect have a disguise?” But technically this IS her disguise. Funny.

she does have a mask like merlot if you scroll up a bit

Oh, well that’s not a very subtle mask at all.
“I wonder if the assassin is a kitsune? hmmmmmm”
Regardless, I’m a sucker for masks like that.

just make an effort to think about what youre actually saying in the future and how its gonna be perceived
if you dont understand something (in this case how the oc is a kitsune), its better to ask rather than just assuming it isnt yk
oh yeah on top of this its never too late to apologize for anything no matter what it is
all of anything is gonna be perceived universally better (mostly) if you apologize for a wrong you did and recognize (assuming you do the apology right of course)

it’s just a mask, anyone could wear a kitsune mask

I guess.
I say a lot of things, but I love this design.

Oh wowza! A forums argument!

i love set places on fire just to see some people who has no common sense arguing over stupid stuffs

nothing new :sleepy:

anyways have this doodle i made

i love my silly girl :pray::pray::pray::sparkling_heart:


no way these mfs are complaining when they probably dont even know how to draw

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bro looks like she’d scam me of all my galleons :skull: :sob: