I suck at Conjurer so I ramble about stat builds

Alright, so, let’s go over pure builds and how they vary from each other for me to set up my point:

Mage - Ranged, the basis of the game, might need to play more close depending on your magic’s speed, can have a second magic to perform synergies with, but requires a lot of aim.

Berserker - Close combat, can shred up close, but you WILL need some extra health so you don’t get blasted. Second fighting style isn’t as useful as the second magic is with mage, as there’s only one synergy as far as I’m aware. (iron leg bleed [not guaranteed] + sailor style)

Warrior - uhh… don’t have one. But you have three weapons to choose from, some with AoE, ranged attacks, grabs, etc. Chances are one weapon can cover all three of those as time goes on and more moves are added, so I dunno what you’ll do with the other two, but whatever.

They can all do their own thing, and Weapons kinds of acts like the mix between the two on its own.

Warlock - You can do stuff up close AND far away. Nice, you’ve covered both weaknesses, you should be good now. Might end up under or overusing some moves due to how many you have now. (why explode when you can crash, or beam when you could shot, etc)

Vitality hybrids - yay yippee more health hehe haha hope you didn’t have any plans to use those moves you would’ve had if you just went with a pure build

…and then there’s the weapons ones. let’s mix the already-made-to-be-mixed and the pure builds together to see what happens

Warlord - Yeah, weapons and fists. Cool. Both of them have grabs and other close-ranged attacks. Cool, right?
idk i havent made one Eeeeeh. Probably not. The only ‘combo’ I can imagine you doing with this is flash strike or mirrored river + shockwave smash. The thing is, though, weapons usually have a lot more ranged attacks than fighting styles, and Crash can help you get closer to someone in order to do that flash strike thing I just mentioned, or anything, really, so it should still make up for the shortcomings of the other.

and then there’s FUCKING CONJURER which i DON’T LIKE because its my WORST CLASS
Conjurer - Magic and weapons. Sounds badass, right? Yeah, 60% of the playerbase (including me) thinks so, too. That’s why it’s everywhere. That being said, magic has two very reliable projectiles. So do weapons. Weapons have grabs. Magic has one that’s meant to get you out of danger. Magic has placed explosions… and ok weapons don’t have that, but why settle for less damage and more endlag (i think) when you could just throw a flying slash or a blast at them? Magic has Explosion? Weapons have Devastate, Tempest, Whirlwind (actually really good btw wth), Raging Impact, and oh my god THEY DO THE SAME THING AS EACH OTHER SO MUCH
Practically every weapon has a projectile with it, so when I have four versions of Blast, which one am I even supposed to use?
“Jawa, don’t weapons cover short range better than magic, though?”
probably, i just havent figured it out yet Do they? Devastate takes a long time, Raging Impact is… ok who the hell uses morning stars, Tempest has the same problem as Devastate and Whirlwind is ACTUALLY close ranged. Flash Strike/Mirrored River is quick to activate, but you’re still frozen in the air for a good second afterwards, which is enough for Bob to shove a drill blast down your throat with.
I remember hearing that the key to Conjurer is not to use too much of one thing, but why should I? Why shouldn’t I just go Warrior? Is it for the imbuement damage buff? Yeah, having bleed + ice is nice, but not everyone has something like that. The most useful tools that magic could add to weapons that I know of would be Beams (double beams if you sacrifice elius weapons like i did), Snares since I swear to god, the dedicated grabs just don’t work on NPCs, and placed explosions.

That being said, I don’t actually want to turn my ice conjurer into a warrior (He’s been an icy man since the fourth WoM test, I don’t want to take that away from him. I already have too many mages, too), so if someone could just say “Hey meta-bitch, you’re overthinking this” or “Hey dipshit, flying slash is actually entirely different from blast because a, b, c”, that’d be awesome.

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Conj is the hardest class to play second to savant but the skill ceiling for both are high

Weapons are the worst thing in the game. Its simple, actually. The sole reason for this is because dual sword and katan keybind s are not the same. This is why, Objectively weapon classes are the worst in the game.


the only thing I’d want from my paladin’s skills that I don’t have would be aura on my second magic. sure mages will get second magic aura as soon as lvl 135 but I’ll have to wait for level 225. But hey I get 720 more hp than mages at lvl 225.

SO TRUUUE we should burn vetex at stake

Your a novice to pvp still, ice conjurer is REALLY good, only if you knew the potential ur build has.

First off combo potential ever thought of using pillar self explosion has many uses after using a grab or flash strike. Sunkensword works brilliantly with ice conjurer asw lots of combo opportunities off of stuns. not to mention how beast instinct is the PERFECT counter for aggressive players any one who tries to get up close or even uses tp moves like mirrored river get clipped by beast instinct.

I’ve made a post with tons of pvp tips and will make pt 2 soon. I’ll leave a link Pvp tips from 500+ hours of playing ao

Surge and pulsar: Allow me to introduce myself

Conjurors are actually pretty decent, I’m able to average ~200-300 dmg attacks with 150+ agility. Plus, wide variety of moves and sub-playstyles to choose from and master.

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so you’re telling me im not ass?

You’re just not playing 4 dimensionally

as it turns out i just had to play better (i started actually dragging my camera and got results. also claws at close range turn you into God)

anyway if anyone wants to pvp tomorrow i’m up for it



yall wanna hop on now @OnionCream @NineBangerz

i’m on rn


this training arc… ITS BEATING MY ASS

alr so lessons learned:
claws arent that good
whirlwind is AWESOME but tiger rush is bleh and good luck hitting rising phoenix
unimbued flying slash is like blast but better but i still like blast more because im just better at landing it for some reason

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I should remake my warlock to fire because of this shit

another one joins the unimbuement gang