I used an AI text generator to generate fantasy stories about some forummers

King Cryonical

King Cryonical sat upon his throne. He looked down at the two men who stood before him. They were dressed in fine armor; one was a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes, while the other was shorter and had black hair and brown eyes. The taller of them wore a golden circlet around his head that glinted in the firelight of the room.

“What do you have to report?” asked King Cryonical.

The man in gold removed his helm and bowed to the king. “Your Majesty, I am Sir Arlo, First Knight Commander of the Royal Knights.”

“I’ve heard of you,” said the king. “You were responsible for the capture of Lord Vinton, weren’t you?”

Arlo nodded. “Yes Your Majesty.”

“Very well,” said the king. “Now what is this about?”

Sir Arlo took a deep breath as he prepared himself to speak. “My lord, I bring with me news from the north.”

“And what might that be?” asked King Cryonical.

Sir Arlo cleared his throat and spoke again. “We have just received word from Sir Beorn that there has been a great battle fought in the north, near the ruins of Castle Ebonbane.”

The king’s face darkened as he listened to the knight. “Tell me more.”

Arlo lowered his voice. “It appears that Lord Vinton has returned to the north with an army of men.”

“That cannot be!” cried the king. “He’s dead! Lord Vinton is no more than a name and a legend. The last time anyone saw him was decades ago.”

“There seems to be some confusion on that point,” said Arlo.

“Confusion?” asked the king.

“Apparently, many of the townsfolk claim they have seen Lord Vinton walking about the countryside,” explained Arlo. “They say that he wears a silver crown and carries a sword made of pure steel.”

“Could it really be true?” asked the king.

“None of us are sure if this is true or not,” replied Arlo. “But we all know how much Lord Vinton hated the dwarves and elves.”

“Lord Vinton is no longer alive,” stated the king. “This is a trick.”

“Perhaps it is,” said Arlo. “However, there is one thing that I’m certain of: Lord Vinton will come for you. You must take precautions. And now that I am here, I can ensure your safety.”

“So you’re going to protect me?” asked the king.

“Of course,” answered Arlo. “You are my king after all.”

The king smiled “Lord Vinton cannot hurt me” he thought to himself.

Ezia the self proclaimed edgelord

From the shadows, the Edgelord Ezia watched over the land. A tall man of indeterminate age wearing a long black cloak and a mask that looked like an eye with jagged teeth. He was not alone though; behind him were two other cloaked figures who seemed to be doing most of the work. The first was a young woman with short hair and the second was an older man whose beard had been shaved into a Mohawk. The three of them formed a triangle around the small village where they stood.

“We’re almost done,” the young girl said in her high-pitched voice. “Just need to take care of this one last little thing.” She motioned towards the old man. “And then we can go back to our rooms and get some sleep.”

“No” Said Ezia, turning his attention away from the town for a moment. “I want you to stay here until tomorrow morning. We’ll be leaving early so I need you here to keep watch on things. Then when it’s time to move out, I will send someone to fetch you.”

The girl nodded eagerly. “Thank you! And don’t worry about us, we can handle ourselves just fine!”

Ezia shook his head. “I’m sure you can but I have my reasons which, while unknown to you, are very important. Now do as I say and no more talking.” With that he turned his back to the village again. “Goodnight.”

And with that final word, the trio of Edgelords walked off into the night.

A Multiversal Entity

Light Shattered, a person stepped through into this part of the multiverse. The light shattered and was re-formed as a tall woman with long golden hair flowing down her back. Her eyes were green, like emeralds, and they had a gentle look about them. She wore an ornate robe of gold that sparkled in the light of the pillar.

She moved to stand before the Pillar of Creation and spoke: “I am the entity of the multiverse, Lord of Law, Master of All Magic, Guardian of the Pathways Between Worlds.” She said it with such authority that all present stopped their tasks and bowed deeply.

“It is my pleasure to meet you,” said the man who had spoken with her on the other side. He was dressed in robes of black and silver, decorated with a double set of wings. His face showed no emotion and his eyes were closed as he said it. “And now I would ask for your permission to cross over.”

The woman nodded once at him and then turned to address everyone else.


Such randomness, such chaos, such order, the pillars of ice, it all shattered in an instant. They stood there, frost surrounding them until they could no longer hold themselves up and collapsed, disappearing as if they were never there at all. The buildings around them also crumbled to dust and disappeared. A few seconds later, a few more seconds passed and the ice melted away into nothing but water. It was a scene that would be impossible for any human eye to witness, yet here they were witnessing it with their own eyes.

The dragon continued its rampage through the cityscape, crushing everything in sight: houses, trees, walls—everything. Until it was called to a stop. The frost surrounding the caller was colder than any other ice that had ever existed on Earth.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” said the caller. “You’re just like me.”

The dragon made a noise of acknowledgement before turning to face its master.

“Please don’t kill us,” said one of the knights. “We have children, we can’t die here.”

“Who are you?” asked another.

The knight who had spoken to the dragon took out a paper from his pocket and showed it to them. It was a newspaper with a headline about dragons.


The blue dragon may have looked terrifying, but in actuality, was almost harmless. Even if the seas parted and the ravens cawed, it wouldn’t have hurt a soul. The dragon’s only true strength lay in its magic, which was used to create illusions of various sorts. In fact, according to legend, this very same monster had once lured an entire ship to their doom with such tricks as a mirage and false winds. This particular case proved that his powers were no longer quite so potent. It was also said he could change into any form he wanted—in other words, he could assume human form at will. That was why he’d disguised himself as a boy, lest anyone realize who he really was.


Geno Arcturus, Also known as Vetex, wielder of the Aether lightning, is a strong and confident man. He has been through many trials and tribulations in his life so far, but he continues to fight on valiantly for those who need him most.

His strength and courage are well-known throughout the world of Barovia. He is a friend to all that need help. Even though he was raised by an abusive father and subjected to cruel training from a sadistic master, Geno still has faith in himself and the people around him.

He is often called upon by other adventurers to aid them with their problems. In return, they do what they can to assist him with his own burdens. This way, both parties can benefit from one another’s strengths. It is no wonder why he has become so popular among the other adventurers.

Geno’s greatest goal in this life is to find the person responsible for the destruction of his village. After suffering through such an ordeal, he will never be able to forget the sight of helpless villagers being burned alive or mauled by beasts. The pain and anguish will always linger within him, and it is likely that he will live out the rest of his days searching for answers.


The man was only known as Flare. A masked vigilante, he had been the one who killed that villain named Phantasm and, if rumors were to be believed, many others since then. He was a figure of legend among the world’s heroes…and an enemy to all villains everywhere.
Flare’s greatest power was his ability to manipulate fire. Not just any kind of flame though; he could create any type of fire at will, from the raging infernos of hellfire to the gentle warmth that filled a room with comfort. He also possessed superhuman strength and speed, and a special ability called “Scorching Breath” which allowed him to incinerate anyone in his path with flames of such ferocity that it seemed like they were being hit by a giant shotgun blast.


ah yes. I have become the Siren.

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What website are you using? This is pretty funny.


novel ai, I would have made more but my free trial ran out


Ah, ic.

Not what I was thinking but okay sure.

Me, Apparently

CrimsonCreate: The space to be filled in with the color of choice. This can be any color, and is not limited by what is on screen at this point.

PaintToolSAI: A vector graphics program similar to Adobe Illustrator. It’s free software that I use for making my line art. There are other programs out there as well; I just happen to like this one.

Sigil: A font created by the same person who made Comic Sans (but it’s not as bad as people make it out to be). Sigils are used for most fonts in RPG books because they’re easy to read. They also work great as a base for custom lettering.

Lorem Ipsum: A filler text that looks like gibberish but actually has a very real purpose. If you’ve ever seen a legal contract or manuscript, you’ll know why. Since the game is based around creating stories through writing them down, Lorem Ipsum makes sense. It’s fake text that doesn’t look like anything.

TIFF: This stands for “True Color Interchange Format.”

Well i guess im a painting tool now according to the AI

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me according to the ai

A man named Dogs, who has the power to manipulate magma at will, is a member of the Dark Brotherhood. He’s quite a good fighter, and he’ll throw you into a fight if you ask him nicely enough…

“I have been waiting for you,” Dogs says as he approaches. “You’ve made it here just in time.”

Dogs has a strange way of speaking; his words are always full of mystery. The man himself is also shrouded in darkness, but he speaks with such confidence that there is no doubt in your mind that he can do anything—even control the earth itself! And because you’re still an initiate, you haven’t even seen Dogs’ true form yet. But you know what I’m talking about—you were there when he gave you the quest to kill one of those Undead creatures. You didn’t like it very much, and now you’re going to get the chance to show him how strong you are.

The two of you walk through the tall grass and enter a small cave. Dogs stops midway up the stairs and turns around, facing the entrance. Then he closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and releases it slowly, so that all of his energy seems to flow out from within him. Afterward, he opens his eyes again and looks right at you.

“I am ready,” he says. “If you wish to begin our battle, we shall do so.”

“Yes,” you say. “Let us begin!”

And so you step forward, and as soon as you cross the threshold into the cave, everything changes: There’s a blast of wind, and the ground beneath your feet begins to tremble. It doesn’t take long before the entire floor collapses, throwing you both down into the pit below. As you tumble over each other, you notice that the earth itself is moving, too. A huge slab of rock rises up off the ground and then slams down on top of you, trapping you both inside.

Dogs is standing atop the slab of stone, looking down at you as it starts to sink back to the floor. He reaches out with his hand and effortlessly tosses the slab away. Then, without any hesitation whatsoever, he swings his arm and hurls a massive fist right at you. Before you can dodge out of the way, though, he grabs hold of your body and rips it limb from limb.

i get a bit too silly at the end, oops :slightly_smiling_face:

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Mimhere Island story when

Actually putting in a title for myself i get


CrimsonCreate, A collector of Rare, Lost, and Ancient artifacts from the past. It was a name that could’ve been made up by any wannabe archeologist or historian—but it was the one he used to sign his letters. The letter sent to Delphine in April was no different from all the others she’d received over the years. She had never met him face-to-face, though she imagined he looked like an older version of herself with more gray hair than black. He wrote her almost every week, usually on parchment paper, which was becoming increasingly difficult to find these days.

“Tell me about your travels,” CrimsonWrite asked when Delphine opened the letter. “I am dying to hear what you’ve found.”

Delphine closed her eyes, trying to remember her most recent adventure in the Alaskan wilderness. She remembered wandering through a damp forest where a giant wolf waited for her at the end of each day’s hike. There were stories of dragons living in the mountains there, but Delphine saw no evidence of them after four months of searching.

Ive somehow managed to extend my free trial on novel ai or something so Ive made some more.


Sandal, whilst a man of a million magics, was still a minor annoyance to the leaders of this realm. He had been created for one purpose – to be useful as an assassin or spy. And he did that very well indeed. But his usefulness could not extend to anything else; it was much easier to keep him in his place and out of trouble by keeping him away from all the other magics that were allowed.

And yet, there he was. He knew where they were hiding – even if he didn’t know what they looked like, he would at least have some idea when they left, by which time they’d be long gone. He felt their approach before he saw them and a moment later came up behind them as quietly as possible. They never heard him coming. He was about half their height and more slender than they were, but with a much longer stride. If they’d taken any notice of him at all, then they might have noticed something strange about his face. The expression on it was mostly blank, save for a small frown between the eyes that seemed almost to linger forever.

That One Guy (Supposedly a villain now)

There was one man, one guy, who had started this apocalypse. And he’d be the first to die. I just didn’t know how long that would take.

I sat with my back against a tree and put my feet up on my pack. I didn’t have any food or water left; I’d been surviving on what was in the pockets of the jacket I wore for warmth while hiking through the woods. It was heavy and bulky, but it was better than shivering while watching your life slip away.

The sun wasn’t as hot anymore; it had moved into its late morning slumber. The air felt heavier with moisture; a storm might come soon. Maybe tonight. Or maybe tomorrow night. I couldn’t tell anymore. It all blurred together into one big gray day.

My eyes were blurry and bloodshot, and I blinked them several times before giving up. My head hurt from staring at the same things for so long that they began to lose their meaning.

Sock (From the perspective of a childhood friend)

They had a name. Their name was “sock”
Indeed it was a strange name, and indeed they never spoke in capital letters, but for some reason I could not help but like them all the same. They were very nice. On their first day, when I came to the schoolroom door, they would jump up from where they sat on their large soft chair and greet me with great enthusiasm. When I took out my schoolbag, they would give a whoop! And then we’d have great fun playing together. They were always excited about learning, so much so that they would play games such as “the word game,” “matching words,” or “word scrambles.” They loved the sound of the English language.

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The story according to AI

Mimihere Island, The rarest island of them all in the dark seas only seen by a handful of legendary pirates. Only two ships have ever made it past the deadly reefs that surround this place, and one of those was sunk with her crew before she had the chance to see what lay beyond the reef.

A storm was brewing on the horizon as I approached the island, strong winds and heavy rain, but I did not let it bother me. My ship rode low in the water, we were only a few hundred yards away from the shore. It would be easy for anyone to spot us if they looked out across the ocean.

“You’re sure about this?” I asked my first mate. “We can’t just sail around here.”

“I’m sure,” he replied. “This is where you’re supposed to go.”

His words rang true in my ears. I trusted him more than any other man alive. He was loyal, trustworthy, and brave beyond measure. His loyalty came from his own desire to prove himself worthy of being part of Captain Nemo’s crew. For years he’d been stuck on shore guarding our ship while we went off into the deep blue sea. Now he had finally earned his place at the helm of a ship.

The captain, who I knew better than most, loved the idea of giving a man like him something bigger to do than just stand guard.

I turned to look back towards the mainland, hoping to catch a glimpse of the land, but there was nothing but an endless expanse of water. I couldn’t even make out where the ocean ended and the sky began, though I knew it was somewhere over my head.

soembody give this AI the seasoned writer role already :tired_face: :tired_face: :weary: :weary: :weary:


better than my writing tbh

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somebody link me the entirety of the AU lore im using the rest of my actions to make a story on AO :fr:

Wait I thought this story took place in the AU.

Do not question the AI’s omnipotent ability


Maplestorm stood upon the hill, the remnants of their wind magic gone in a flash,

“We’re not going to make it,” he said with a sigh. “Not without our power.”

“I don’t think we can afford to waste any more time,” Merideva replied.

The two looked at each other, then began walking down the hillside together. They had no idea where they were going; they didn’t even know if there was somewhere that they could hide from the dragon’s gaze, but they knew they couldn’t continue on foot, and they certainly couldn’t fly. The only way out of this situation would be for them to find some sort of shelter—and quickly.

They walked along in silence, Maplestorm leading the way as his fingers ran over his map and Merideva searched the ground for anything that might point toward an escape route. It wasn’t long before they found something: a large rock formation, almost like a wall.

“It looks big enough to climb up into,” she said.

“Let’s try it.”

They approached the rock carefully. As far as they could tell, there was nothing magical about it, but it did look sturdy enough to hold someone or two once they got inside.

“Go first,” she told him, giving him a light shove. “I’ll follow behind you.”

He nodded and began climbing. His feet slipped several times, but eventually he managed to find a foothold and began making progress upward. He paused every few steps to allow Merideva to catch up and join him, and soon enough, he reached the top and turned around.

Merideva climbed easily after that, and all too soon they were both standing atop the rock wall, looking down.

“Well, now what?” asked Maplestorm.

Mimhere - The sci-fi edition

Mimhere, The creator of the legendary island, the destroyer of innocent shopkeepers, and the only person to ever be exiled from New Atlantis.

“I have an idea,” said Mimhere into his comlink. “We need some sort of distraction.”

“You’re going to get yourself killed. What is this? Some sort of suicide mission?” asked a voice through the other end. “Should we even bother sending backup?”

“No! No!” Mimhere shouted in frustration. “This isn’t about me. I just don’t want to get caught off guard.”

“Then what are you doing here? You’ve got nothing to do with this.”

“It’s not that simple. Just leave it alone, or we’ll both regret it.”

“Fine. But if you die, I’m holding you responsible for all my future medical bills.”

The two guards stood at attention as they approached Mimhere.

“At ease,” he said, walking up to them.


Infernoferno was a terror, Infernoferno was a demon.

And I was Infernoferno, I was the flame.

I was inside him and he was inside me and we were one entity, bonded together by fire that burned from my heart to his brain. He had no idea how much power he had in those hands—he didn’t know anything about magic or power. But I did. So do you. You’re just not ready for it yet. Not quite.

He’d been so naive—so innocent, even with all of the pain that he’d suffered at my hands. His body was still weak, but every time I touched his skin, I felt it begin to heal. The scars were fading away, bit by bit, until they would be gone forever. And then there would be only one thing left to heal: his mind.

The more I thought back on everything that had happened over the past few days, the more I realized that maybe this wasn’t such a bad way to live. Maybe this was what the other side wanted me to learn.


He was the ultimate being, the ultimate magic user. The one who had replied to certain things more than any other. He was said to have existed long before humanity even came into existence. People called him the “First of All,” and he was known as the god of death among humans, as well as a deity that controlled life and death itself.

“I want you to make my wish come true.”

The first thing out of his mouth after entering her room was this request.

“Do your job, okay?”

She heard no reply from inside the black coffin.

Even though she could hear that voice coming from within like always, it felt different somehow now.


Acid magic was dangerous, Broly knew it, yet still used it for all of his means. When he needed to destroy something, he’d use acid; when he wanted to create a diversion, he’d use smoke and fire—or even just his hands if that was enough. He could also heal himself with it, though this was not in common practice.

Broly’s acidic attacks were highly effective, but they could be fatal as well. This was because the acid would burn through flesh over time—even if it didn’t seem like it at first. The damage done by an attack would always worsen until its victim died. Of course, this was true for any type of magic, so Broly wasn’t too concerned about it.

Robotstics (No idea what happened here)

Robotstics, A wielder of fire magic, and a famous figure among the seas. His real name is not important here, but he’s about to get his ass kicked by a dude who has been dead for almost three decades.

“Hah! I didn’t know you could move that fast!”

The robot moves so quickly it feels like an optical illusion. The flames come at him from all directions, but he deftly dodges them in mid-air.

“I see! So this is the power of a fire mage…but it won’t work on me,” says Robotstics with a grin as he takes out a cigarette and lights up. Then he throws a match into one of his hands—and a flame comes shooting off his fingers. Just as he’s about to put it between his lips, though, he hears a loud bang.

That was the sound of a bullet hitting his hand, causing the match to explode. He looks down at his smoking arm and laughs. “You’re pretty good, kid…” he says as a bullet flies right past him and hits the robot’s leg—hard.

“Ha-ha-ha-ha! You got me now!”


Noober was depicted in many forms, but most often as a young boy with black hair and an open-mouthed grin. The name is derived from the word “noob,” a slang term for someone new to a game or activity. Noobs were always at risk of being killed by older players, who would take pleasure in their misery; however, if they survived long enough, they eventually learned how to play well enough to defeat those more experienced gamers. In some games, noobs could be used as cannon fodder, sometimes with disastrous results.

The name “Noob” is thought to have originated in the 1980s when a group of video game enthusiasts decided that it was unfair for players of the popular PacMan arcade game to have to fight against inexperienced players such as “n00bs.” They created the character “Chompin’ Chomper,” a cute looking creature that they named after the arcade game’s original title, “Crazy Chompers.”


Selectorch was known well, anyone who dared insult him would face the wrath of multiple magic wielders. And still he was a powerful wielder of magic himself. Even if his power had been weakened by age it was still enough to cause trouble for any adventurer in this forest. That’s why I had called on him to help me out.

“Well then, what do you have there?” Selectorch asked curiously as he looked at the bundle that I held carefully between my hands. He wore a questioning expression on his face as he tilted his head slightly to one side and waited for an answer.

I took the time to introduce myself properly and tell him about the situation. It wasn’t long before he understood what I wanted from him. “If you’re looking for money… There should be around 200 gold coins in that bag.”

That much seemed like quite a bit of money. But I could just imagine what sort of a smile he’d have if I gave him all of those coins. It was far more than he’d ever seen before so I decided against it.


Divanochi, famed for his speed and his ability to watch something like a hawk, was the first to move. He had been waiting at an intersection of two streets when he heard the sound of hooves and looked up in time to see someone riding right past him on horseback.

The rider wore armor that marked him as one of the town guard, but Divanochi didn’t have time to get a look at who it was or what they were doing before the man disappeared around another corner. The messenger did not seem interested in making contact with anyone else.

“What’s going on?” asked his friend Otho, looking up from behind the counter of their small shop. “I thought this was supposed to be a quiet day.”

Divanochi shook his head. “No idea,” he said.

That’s it, I’m out of free trial again, at least i got through a bunch of forummers.

The Arcane Odyssey

The Arcane Odyssey, The eternal Adeventure

“I’m not going to be the one that gets killed today,” I said. “You can count on it.”

We were in a room with two doors and no windows—as far as we could tell from our current position anyway; there was an invisible wall between us and any possible exit. We had been here for what seemed like hours now but my watch told me otherwise: only about ten minutes since we’d arrived at this place of mystery. It wasn’t very big either, maybe twenty feet square or so. There weren’t many furnishings inside except for some rickety chairs made out of old wooden crates stacked up against each other. A table stood next to them holding several candles arranged around a small statue of something that looked vaguely human-shaped without much detail beyond its face which appeared to have three eyes staring back at you while wearing a long flowing white robe. Alongside these sat two large books bound together by leather straps covered in arcane symbols and runes. To top off all those strange sights, there hung above us a single sheet of parchment fixed onto the ceiling with nothing more than four nails driven into the plasterboard behind it. On closer inspection though I saw they were actually metal spikes hammered through the paper’s surface and then bent outward slightly before being attached firmly to their points with thick pieces of string wound tightly round them. All of this surrounded an enormous oil lamp hanging down from where it rested upon a hook screwed into the woodwork directly across from us. This too held little interest for me however because every time someone moved even just a few inches away from the light source everything became pitch black again almost immediately. It didn’t help matters that we couldn’t see anything outside ourselves due to how dark it already was when we first entered this place. In fact if we hadn’t known better we might well think that whatever happened during daylight never occurred within this cave. My companions were looking equally confused right now. Most especially my friend Kain who kept glancing anxiously over his shoulder towards the door he knew led to freedom. He did seem quite concerned about getting caught—or worse still trapped forever in this place of uncertainty. As for myself, I was beginning to feel rather uncomfortable regarding exactly why we found ourselves locked inside such a bizarre location but instead of dwelling on it further I decided to concentrate on finding another way out of here. For starters I needed to find something else besides the lantern light to use as illumination. After all that torchlight could get real hot sometimes depending on how close you got to it. If that wasn’t enough to worry about neither of us wanted to risk burning our hands until we discovered whether or not we would need fire to escape this mysterious cavern. Besides, torches tended to give off smoke that often obscured your view unless you were careful. Even then you risked setting yourself alight accidentally given how easily things smouldered under certain conditions. So all in all having no means of lighting our surroundings left us feeling pretty helpless indeed. At least we both agreed on that point.

“Do you smell something?” asked my companion, breaking the silence that had fallen once everyone stopped moving about trying to work out what to do next. That question brought me back to reality quickly enough although unfortunately I realised I really hadn’t noticed anything unusual apart from the overall lack of visibility caused by the darkness that enveloped us. However, after thinking about it for a moment I soon began to detect traces of a faint yet distinctive odour hovering somewhere near us. Something sweet and pungent mixed with hints of spice—more specifically cinnamon. Now that sounded familiar somehow . … Wait! Did that sound like… ? No, surely not? But yes, it definitely did. Cinnamon always reminded me of Christmas and the holidays. Not that I ever celebrated them personally but my parents used to go mad over decorating the house and preparing food for family gatherings and parties whenever December rolled around. They loved that stuff. Anyway, it suddenly struck me that perhaps there was a reason for all of this. Maybe we were meant to celebrate the festive season here in this underground chamber. Perhaps this was some kind of celebration ritual laid out for us complete with decorations and presents. Or maybe whoever put us in here intended to trap us here permanently. Either way I thought the whole idea stank rotten. And speaking of smells, I wondered if anyone else present felt that same odd sensation of warmth and comfort emanating from the flickering flames dancing merrily at the end of the wicks of the lamps. Just like the scent wafting tantalisingly through the air, it also seemed strangely reminiscent of childhood memories buried deep within my mind. Strange how things come back to haunt us as we grow older don’t you agree?

“What is it, Marcus?” called out Kain nervously. “Have you smelled something too?” Everyone turned to look straight ahead at him in response to his query. His voice carried clearly throughout the entire space despite the heavy atmosphere surrounding us. He continued talking quietly. “It feels warm and comforting somehow. Like home.”

My initial reaction was to scoff at his statement and dismiss it altogether. Yet I sensed there was something deeper underlying the words spoken aloud by the young man standing beside me. Despite my own feelings toward the whole situation I found myself agreeing with what he said. An inner part of me whispered softly, ‘Yes,’ in reply to his sentiment. Although I tried hard to ignore his claim I nevertheless shared his sense of unease regarding the strange events unfolding around us. Why else would I have chosen to wear my cloak and gloves? But most importantly I was starting to wonder what might happen if we failed to leave this place alive. Would we simply disappear into thin air along with our bodies? Could we die here, vanish completely from existence and live happily ever after in some fantasy realm beyond mortal comprehension? What a load of nonsense that sounds doesn’t it? Still, I suppose we’ll know soon enough won’t we? Yes, let’s hope so. Otherwise we’re doomed to spend eternity wandering endlessly through this dark labyrinth wondering where the hell everybody went and why nobody bothered telling us before we came knocking on their front doors demanding answers. Come to think of it, I wouldn’t blame them if they threw rocks at us afterwards. Actually, I take that back. I probably deserved it in retrospect. You should’ve seen what I did to poor Kain earlier. Then again he started it all by throwing mud everywhere. Oh dear God, I must stop thinking about this crap. Let’s try and stay calm and focus on escaping this damned cave shall we? How difficult can it possibly be? Well, let’s start with finding a key or something similar to unlock this damnable thing. Surely somebody will have left something lying around for us to pick up eventually. Right?

Kain raised a hand tentatively towards the nearest candleholder. “Maybe we ought to investigate this area first,” he suggested hesitantly.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Both of us approached slowly and cautiously making sure we didn’t knock over any of the blazing candles that lit up the interior of this grimy cave. Once we reached its base I peered closely beneath it, hoping to discover something useful amongst all those crumpled papers and scraps of cloth scattered haphazardly across the floor. Unfortunately nothing jumped out at me so I proceeded to walk onwards, keeping an eye open for anything remotely resembling a hidden compartment or secret latch. Nothing. Neither of us found anything suspicious whatsoever nor did we notice anything particularly noteworthy in terms of décor. Everything looked exactly as expected—just a bunch of random junk thrown carelessly about creating a mess wherever you looked. Wherever you looked, that is. Of course all of this was meaningless trivia compared to finding a way out of this godforsaken hole. Eventually I gave up searching and returned to join my friends crouching down on the ground nearby. Kain was busy examining one of the books placed neatly on the table alongside the statue. Its cover depicted a picture of a smiling boy dressed in robes and carrying a staff in his right hand. Beside him stood a beautiful woman adorned in a long flowing gown decorated with intricate embroideries depicting scenes of nature and wildlife. Her hair flowed freely past her shoulders and she wore a crown atop her head. She looked somewhat regal in appearance and appeared to smile gently as if welcoming us into this world of wonders. Beneath their image was written in elegant script: THE BOOK OF WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE. Upon closer examination I noticed that the book itself appeared to be made entirely of gold leaf and contained numerous pages filled with writing scrawled across them using a variety of different coloured inks including red, blue, green, yellow, purple, brown and black. Each page bore a number engraved upon it ranging from 1–12. Above each entry printed below it read: Page Number (1) – Chapter Title. Below each title was a brief description describing what lay within its respective chapter. Curious, I opened the front cover of the book to peer inside. Inside I discovered a set of blank sheets interspersed between several loose leaves of parchment containing handwritten notes scribbled across them. Some of these references appeared to relate to ancient languages and magical spells while others referred to obscure scientific theories concerning natural phenomena or even mathematical equations.

Alright i’ve run out of actions for now

Also take a shot every time the AI deviates from the AU lore

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Everywhere I go
I see my face