I will make ur build ideas

simply said, tell me a few req u want the build to meet and i will try to make it (if it is impossible, i will try to get as close as possible), it doesnt matter how silly it is, its 1:35 am here so im going to sleep

200 agility
75 power
200 endurance or armor wtf what was that hp stat again

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mostly power based
around 125 power
104 defense
75 attack speed


A build with a good amount of defense and power with 1-2 drawback and a good amount of speed and energy regen for the gems

Not sure if it helps but I’m using water and lightning magic

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max power glass pulsar using lady carina gear and candelaria gems for attack speed, real glass cannon build

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Light Thermofist Warlock with max attack speed possible, secondary version is a mix of attackspeed and agility so crashes go far AND fast

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Boxing plus anything and socket in as much Blocking Power as physically possible. Glass cannon otherwise

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im curious, what would the max attack speed build be?

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Have a light thermo warlock; thermo got gutted with M1 heat gain being halved and even though the crash/rushdown distance goes crazy the cone detection for an enemy gets weird sometimes and I often don’t get the full distance

That aside its one hell of a build even without high investment in attack speed/agility, but I would recommend boxing for more fun ig

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I would’ve said boxing instead if they didn’t buff thermo by .1x speed.

Need. The. Min-max…

max intensity wind boxing warlock

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theurgist robes, theurgist pants, theurgist hat, theurgist cloak atk speed amulete

note: u want the first 4 theurgist bc they have 3 gem slots

enchants: all brisk

jew: all candelaria (honestly just use any gem that give a combination of 2, it will be far better than normal gems)


atk speed: 456 (idk if u can go further with atlantean modifier)
power: 48
warding: 4

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already did something similar

note: atlantean speed amulete gives 78 atk speed as well as 12 power and insanity 1, im assuming its the same for agility as well

atlantean agility amulete, varrach boots, varrach chestplate, atlantean arcsphere, shroud (or any elius accesory)

note: im not sure if u can get a accesory with agility and defense

enchants: 3 agile, 2 armored

jew: 8 Morenchi (dark sealed chests)


agility: 276
defense: 471
power: 122
drawback: 2
insanity: 1

u can replace a agile or two with armored or powerful (not that a agile enchant gives 36 agility, armored gives 104 defense and powerful gives 12), or u can replace carina set with something that gives defense

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Aereus hat, Bronze Chainmail Armor, Aereus pants, Cape of Loyalty, intensity amulete

enchants: all Enhanced

jew: Kyanite (treasure charts)


intensity: 416
agility: 55
atk size: 58

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atlantean swift amulete (haves a modifier with 12 power), varrach boots, varrach chestplate, atlantean arcsphere, cernyx flaud

enchants: 3 brisk, 2 armored

jew: 8 candelaria


atk speed: 276
defense: 616
power: 122
drawback: 2
insanity: 2

u can take 1-2 brisk enchants and put powerful or armored and still have 204 atk speed

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atlantean swift amulete (modified), varrach boots, varrach chestplate, atlantean arcsphere, cernyx flaud

enchants: 2 brist, 2 armored, 1 powerful

jew: 8 candelaria


atk speed: 276
defense: 616
power: 134
drawback: 2
insanity: 1

without insanity and drawback

Calvus chestplate, calvus boots, calvus cape (or crown), arcpshere, power amulate

enchants: 1 armored, 1 brisk, 3 powerfull (can use any other enchant, armored gives 108 defense)

jew: 8 Candelaria

defense: 108
power: 158
atk speed: 108

you can take off the brisk enchant and get 72 atk speed

a conjurer would like this

fair power amulete, arcpshere, varrach helmet, varrach chestplate, varrach boots

enchants: 5 powerfull

jew: 8 power gems (could gain better stats by using combined gems such as Morenchi or Candelaria)


power: 224 (note that maybe u could gain more, but as far as ik, this is the max)
defense: 241+ (can be increased with atlantean arcsphere, but this is purely power)
drawback: 3

you can use Musgravite, it gives no main stat but u get twice as much sub stat, but u lose 24 power, u can use calvus armor but u lose even more power, but no drawback


instead of Candelaria u can use Lapis lazuli

this gives u 108 agility, u can sacrifice the atk speed (u lose 78 atk speed) amulete for a agility one and get 186 agility

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Most size you can possibly get coupled with explosion magic warlock and sailor fist
Bigass steam lmfao

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