I will make ur build ideas

carina boots, carina armor, carina accesory, archsphere, power amulete

enchants: 2 brisk 3 powerful

jew: 8 candelaria


atk speed: 204
power: 158

you can make it give other stats instead of power on your atlantean modifier

Aereus robe, aereus pants, aereus hat, calvus accesory, atk size amulete

enchants: all explosive

jew: all malachite (you can use agate for defense)


atk size: 362
power: 39

with agate u get 128 defense instead of power

ya ik, but idk how much the other stats give

Paladin build, i feel like i have enough health as it is so id like to go Agility/Power

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atlantean agility amulete (power modified), varrach boots, varrach chestplate, atlantean arcsphere, elius cape

enchants: 3 agile, 2 powered

jew: 8 Morenchi


agility: 276
defense: 266
power: 146
drawback: 2
insanity: 1

i might genuinely run this on my savant lol

bud about to have a hitscan on every attack

dual flintlocks :mariomug:


power amulete, sunken armor, sunken helmet, arcsphere, carina boots

encahnts: 3 armored enchants, 2 powerful

jew: 3 defense, 5 candelaria


defense: 826
atk speed: 57
power: 101

@drak done


atlantean agility amulete, arcsphere, cernyx flaud, theurgist robe, theurgist pants

enchant: 3 agile, 2 armored

jew: 2 lapis lazuli, 8 Candelaria


atk speed: 108
agility: 204
power: 51
defense: 353
insanity: 1

now, you could sacrifice some agile enchant for more armor or atk speed or agility (idk if agility haves any effect on fire reflex, if it haves, then u need 200 agility for it to activate), this was pretty challenging, i guess just play around it and u might find a much more better build, or even a slightly better one is better than this one

so it appears i amde some small mistakes, i have no fucking idea

Captain America shieldmaster build

i think i will need to know more, like do u want atk speed, size, power, etc

max defense.

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A warrior/conjurer that can take hits and stick to targets well.

High defense but mixed with offensive stats, probably power and attack speed? Agility is nice as well.

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defense amulete, cernyx flaud, sunken helmet, sunken armor, sunken boots

enchants: all armored

jews: all painite


defense: 2,509
drawback: 8

have fun with early vitality and spirit weapons

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basically my build

atk speed: 276
defense: 616
power: 122
drawback: 2
insanity: 2

how much would the defense be decreased by argos armor?

you should lose about 92 defense