I will make ur build ideas

intensity would buff defense aura though, so overall more hp.


Hey. Was wondering if you could help my build out a little. This is my current build:

I want to keep my attack above 100 while increasing increase my defense, atk speed, and agility (I’m not sure what I should do with size). I don’t want to use drawback armor, but I’m ok with 1 insanity.

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sure let me see what i can do

swift amulet, atlantean arcsphere (modifier, defense), arcanium bracelet, calvus boots, calvus armor

enchants: 4 armored enchants, 1 agile

jew: 4 candelaria, 4 monerci


power: 102
defense: 513
agility: 103
atk speed: 114
intensity: 6
insanity: 1

i think u can put a modifier on calvus to gain more defense but u will have insanity 2

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Highest possible knockback for wind

Thank you! Good thing I have all those items except arcanium bracelet and armored enchants (which will be a matter of time). I didn’t think my build could go much higher than what it already was.

intensity amulete, aereus hat, cape of loyalty, aereus pants, chainmail armor (argos armor)

enchants: all enhanced

jew: all larimar (or u ca get kyanite if u dont want to fish for larimar, u get it by treasure charts and u geta agility instead of atk speed)


intensity: 428
atk size: 58
atk speed: 72

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Quick question:
Would the one gem that doubles secondary stat on gem be better than just stat gem with knockback

Borderline suicide bomber build
(I imagine it basically being mostly drawback and power with size or defense sprinkled in)

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Any way this build can get a good amount of agility?

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prob, idk honestly


i came up with 2 version

varrach armor, varrach boots, varrach helmet, arcsphere, power amulete

enchants: all explosive

jew: all painite


power: 140
defense: 1,000
atk size: 180
drawback: 11

Version 2

varrach helmet, full theurgist set

enchants: all powerfull

jew: all painite


power: 88
defense: 1,750
drawback: 15

I want a build with at least 2 warding and 1-5 drawback. And I would like to use my sunken chestplate in the build. No gems, i’m gonna use my gem slots for something else.

alr, rn im in the dark sea, any specific stats u wanna see?


Don’t really care for agility.

I’m a paladin so I already have decent health.

ive done this on mobile and i cant place enchants, all are powerful

also there is a site now AO Gear Builder

150 Power
100+ Size
200 hp