Now I know what you’re thinking “but stooooccck, strength weapons are supposed to be specifically for warlords!”
And you’re fully entitled to your opinion, but you’re the one who came on my post to hear me out.
Think with me for a moment, what’s a good way to open up strength weapons to other classes without making Warlord less unique?
Simple. Eventually certain Strength Weapons will become obsolete even to Warlords, so we just open them up to other classes after they become suboptimal.
The idea is truly- very simple. We take the Strength requirement, multiply it by 2, add it to the Weapons requirement, and if that amount is met, then you can use it without meeting the necessary Strength req. Other builds still get their pick of a Halberd eventually, but it’s after the Warlords have already found something new to chew on!
Why do we do this in the first place?
Explains how Argos and Evander can use Strength Weapons without having a fighting style.
Allows for magic and spirit imbuements with more classes than just Savant.
Brings equality to pure builds, since hybrid builds will get pure-exclusive weapons eventually
Doesn’t eliminate all uniqueness, because way-late-game Strength Weapons will still be exclusive.
Also, just generally some more fun for weapon builds.
Don’t like my idea? Awh. POLITELY leave your reasoning below.
I’ve gotten four different people to tell me that my idea is stupid with no clarification, even though I specified in the post to be kind and try to construct, and I’m the problem.
Or just leave it to the savants, who’ll use them like they use old weapons now. This game’s weapon system is built in a way where each weapon despite its level is still effective. Strength weapons aren’t an exception from this.
Taking away strength/weapon hybrid’s one niche.
Vetex already gave a lore reason on why this is.
Only Savant should be able to do this
Pure builds will have ancient tier skills and anything adjacent to that.
Why didn’t you apply this logic to the previous point?