as much as I’d want this purely for looks theres a lot of issues
first issue is some weapons have an insanely high “level” range with their abilities (even though they dont really have levels anymore) that I think shows that vetex doesn’t want weapons to become too underpowered ever (unless youre using like old weapons at level 600)
Another issue of mine is the fact that this takes away a reason to go savant, itd also open up the gateway to doing this with other future hybrid weapons which would hurt savant even more
this game is pretty clearly designed with the player using specific things for their build in mind, save for savant, and this would hurt it
another issue, and frankly the biggest, other builds wouldn’t be restricted as much as savants are. High level non-savants will have higher tiers, more skills unlocked, etc. and being able to use strength weapons with 0 strength would effectively turn them into a savant with zero downsides
tldr this change would inadvertently nerf savants and make them the most restricted class in the game
I don’t really see the actual problem with this, other hybrids have their special thing be imbuement, and there’s nothing actually unique for pure builds currently added (currently).
I don’t see why warlords, who already have imbuement like other hybrids, should be given an exclusive type of weapon that no other class can use, without other classes having similar
Also, interesting idea. I feel like it should be specifically allowed for hybrids into vitality or maybe magic, as it’ll be interesting, but it’s something to think about.
@StockSounds interesting idea, but I can’t see it for SOME strength hybrids. Some, I can.
it’s stated to be made of bronze in its description, either the entire handle is like only tungsten or it’s some really densely compacted bronze
and seeing as we only see copper and tin in the eternal mines, there’s no evidence to say ravenna has access to any metals other than them seeing as we seen no ores anywhere else in the bronze sea, and ravenna likely isn’t importing tungsten from the aegean sea, they maybe have a really powerful pressure magic user in the bronze legion who’s just compacting bronze down until it’s heavy enough to not immediately bend or dent when it hits something
AA was classless in that there was no classes, every player had access to every single tool, provided they level their magic/strength (the caps of which had no correlation with each other)
Vetex casts: random lore-accurate bullshit that somehow makes a “good”(dumb) reason for it to weigh that much
funny enough though, most irl greatswords weigh inbetween 5-7 pounds
they’re not meant to be heavy and slow they’re meant to be relatively mobile with enough range to fend off multiple attackers