Considering Argos swings the halberd around like it’s nothing (long objects are HARDER to pick up at one end then the middle) AND he’s wearing armour, he could’ve just walked up to the player and crushed them, no need for a weapon at this point
Judging by the power of his grab move, he probably could just pinch you so hard that you go into cardiac arrest.
I think the problem is that he’s relying exclusively on his aura’s size.
Achtually the fake fighting style on the arcane odyssey Wikipedia was “brute strength”
Also my goal now is to make some shit up like that eventually
Or like whoever convinced 50% of the playerbase that Sailor Style is actually called Sailor Fist.
To be completely fair 1/3rd of the fighting styles have fist in the name.
Also I think it’s just an alternative name as vetex has referred to it as sailor fist before
I’m going to kill whoever started the Sailor Fist nonsense (/j).
Anyway, I think the idea of eventually giving Strength Weapons to other Weapons builds is decent in concept, but it doesn’t keep as much uniqueness to the weapons as you think. Strength Weapons are barely unique as they are, just having different skill requirements and maybe a unique skill, so having them eventually become normal weapons would take away from that aspect.
…that said, why is the only Halberd weapon in the game left to Warlords and Savants? Halberds are cool, why can’t my Warrior swing one around if they damn well want to?
it was a joke on the “and its from stock” part but fair
also how is this topic still going vro this should hath ended day ago
Damn it.
Guess we’re going back in time to before AO’s release to get Vetex to call it Sailor Style.
That AetherLightning Pinhead!
We’re going back in time to the first post about imbues to get Sailor Fist off the post. That’s right, we’re going back in time to the first post about imbues to get Sailor Fist off the post.
We’re going back in time to the first retcon to get Mud Magic back in the Lost Magic list.
I’m surprised this thread wasn’t crushed by the mods yet
The mods have given up on this wasteland
i read the first 20 messages and i have gathered that stock is genuinely just getting bullied at this point
You don’t need to mention someone to ping them on their own posts Yknow
It was added after the post was made + it is supposed to show that I am talking speficially to him and not looking to discuss it with anyone else. Should have private messaged, but it was too late and I didn’t feel like deleting the post. Yeah, my bad.
Friend, I can only describe it in one way
forumers hate you so much because you’re notorious here
(it’s partially amusing for me but I digress.)