Idea to open up strength weapons to other classes

I think LightningmAln might secretly be the Fuck You Guy.

Why is everybody so mean? You’re allowed to not like something without open firing on the person who came up with it.

You have unlimited time to consider what your response should be, and you chose to hurt my feelings.

I think nobody can take these topics anymore bro, your idea wasn’t really well received either by anyone it seems

but you don’t just get better at using weapons to be able to use heavier things, you do need to bulk up to able to even just lift them easily enough to wield. what i mean is, you need more than just weaponry skill to use them

What topics, just anything made by me in general? That’s silly!

We’re not trying to lift a house here, it’s just a sharp piece of metal with badly optimized weight.

(yes) anything where you just keep insisting on trying to enforce your idea even though nobody agrees with it

anyways i’m out for digital fishing, goodbye chat

I’m not trying to enforce anything, I’m just putting an idea out. I actively asked to talk about what was wrong with it and everybody just chose violence.

it’s like two or three times as heavy as the weapons a warrior would normally wield, i don’t think there’s any way you could pick one up and use it effectively if those are all you’ve been used to

Every day the idea of a classless AO seems better and better

Please vetex let me put in the bare minimum to access strength weapons then put the rest into magic

There’s no reason to lock stats after awakening

It’d also probably be 10x harder to balance

Just make less stats = less good, and you’re done and done.
First awakening is imbuement or second slot of choice, second is the same, but you can’t get imbuement twice.

sorry but this actually sounds like something a five year old would say

Okay, guys—I don’t like this idea either. I’d much prefer each build to have its unique niches so that there’s actual variance in what you fight.

That said, acting like this idea is automatically worse because it came from Stock is unproductive and just flat-out mean. Be better than this. If you suspect he won’t listen, just list your thought-out reasons why and leave. Or ignore the topic entirely.


i dont think this and infact never have, i would prefer not being accused of such

do i not like stock? yes.
do i automatically thing a suggestion is bad due to it being from stock? no.

ever wondered why vetex wanted to change warlord’s name to “strong warrior”
stop being a fucking idiot for attention

Can the mods just close this topic for being a suggestion out of suggestions already it’s gone to the deepest pits of forum hell

And yet Vindicator exists.

That’s mean as hell.

I mean, is this really needed im pretty sure each class is gonna get their own special thing so

if you have a problem with what i say to you youve gotta voice it with more than four words