Ideas for Lost/Prim Magics

Lost Magics:

Nature Magic

Nature magic could possibly shoot vines or leaves or small trees or something. I’m not sure. The sphere explosion could grow a giant bush in a spherical shape, and a pillar explosion could sprout a giant tree. the shockwave could be a short but wide bush or something I’m not sure.

Chain Magic

Chain Magic would shoot short links of chains, and when dealing a certain percent of your opponent’s health, it would wrap your opponent in chains and they would be immobilized. I’m thinking that lightning would have an extreme damage boost when shooting a chained enemy because metal conducts lightning and stuff I dunno.

Feather Magic

This would be similar to paper. Small, fast, and inflicting bleed. The explosions could just be feathers swirling around but in different shapes. It’s pretty simple. The colors could be white feathers, black feathers, and colorful feathers (like a parrot) also golden feathers

Rose Petal Magic

Attack with rose petals and thorns. The end. Maybe the thorns could slow down opponents or something. I dunno

Slime Magic

My idea for this is that it would makes splashes like water, and the little spots that it would make would slow down opponents. Also if a puddle grows to a certain size, you can bounce off of it like a trampoline. There can be a huge color assortment because it’s slime.

Primordial Magics :

Hex Magic

I was going to call it curse magic, but vetex has kind of a different definition of curse in the game. anyway, Hex Magic would be low powered but have severe DoT like it would tick for 5 for a whole minute. Also it could maybe block your opponent from using a weapon or charging their magic for a little while. It’s more about dimming down your opponent, not damaging them.

Soul Magic

This magic would be good for mowing down waves of enemies. Soul magic would allow you to transfer your NPC and player kills into power for you. If you’re fighting a bandit camp full of bandits, every kill would give you a soul and add to your power. The souls would last for a minute or two and the level of your enemy determines how much power you get. Also they would stack up to 3 or 5 (whichever seems more balanced)

Void Magic

This magic can teleport anything it touches. This means that you could shoot a building and teleport it to a random place. An improvisation could be that somehow you put down a predetermined portal or something?

Also on the trello, there were was a lost spell called “Transformation” It would give you buffs and make physical appearance changes. Some ideas for this lost spell are that it can turn your skin into steel, or make you grow in size (Probably up to The Minotaur’s size) also it could give you wings, and the wings could make you jump higher or add to your agility. It could also make you grow claws or something.

: )

why chain magic
why cant i just make chains out of my magic already

To add up to this.

  • Scorch Magic (Lost)
  • Aetherial Fire (Lost)
  • Darkflame Magic (Primordial, sounds cringe but Apocalypse Bringer is even cringer)
  • Necromancy Magic (Lost, cannot create golems outta it with lost spells)
  • Absorption Magic (Primordial, duh, basically sucking other people Magic energy and using that against them, mostly melee)
  • Sword Magic (Lost, multiple colored sword shaped Magic attacks that apply bleed, not to confuse with Slash)
  • Paint Magic ( Lost, paints peoples skins with rainbow and melts skin due to chemical burn)
  • Clown Magic (Lost)
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what how

specific people may disagree

I believe I know who you are talking about. I will try and summon them.


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seems op even for a primordial

I swear if I see one more fucking suggestion for Nature or Slime or Soul magic I will fucking equinox magic strong blast that person into the next fucking part of space where chaos resides

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Spoon magic - Primordial: Scoops out the victims insides, magic energy, and stamina.

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No but in all honesty Darkflame would be edgy but cool
Maybe Scorch magic, just buffed as fuck Explosion magic

NO NO NO fuck darkflame magic >:c

Stop posting that every where

I put it in like two places (also make me lol)

flagged it for spam >:c because it is

bitch where

Not like other people haven’t done the same

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It’s edgier than darkflame, thats why. Literally named Apocalypse bringer bruh.
I only brought that up because someone once said that Darkflame couldn’t be a lost magic since “Torren already has it” and “Gay, cringe name” they were probably trolls, should’ve flagged tbh.
The only one I really wanna see from my suggestions is

  • Paint Magic
  • Fertility Magic
  • Dead Revival

cuz chain magic would be a different thing, like it could give a “chained” debuff that makes you slow or unable to use magic for 2-3 seconds after a phew blasts maybe

idk i just ike the idea of a chain magic

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i just want to make chains out of crystal or magma ;-;

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