Ideas for the melee revamp

Ideas for the melee revamp
effort 4.333333333333333 12 quality 4.454545454545454 11 reasonability 4.272727272727272 11

Looks good to me.
Moving while you attack is pretty controversial - vetex is of the opinion players should have to commit to a fight.

The stuff about bows probably won’t make it in (too easy to just run away while firing arrows backwards), but maybe using bows could slow you down or something.

I like it! I’ll add that to the bows section.

Interesting Ideas!

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fuck it, i’m down

this game desperately needs some mobility anyway imo

it sure does

The first 2 things are practically already happening, the bow thing, I don’t like personally. The reasonability is good but I’d rather not rate something for reasons that’ve already been accepted so I just won’t rate that.


However I don’t like the bow thing very much unless magic gets the same treatment.
That’s a massive advantage to physical builds that they probably shouldn’t have.
Slow down or not, if I can’t dodge while attacking with magic attacks, why should I be able to with physical weapons?

eh, fair enough, but really, why even have bows in the first place if they just suck? I was trying to come up with a way to buff bows without just giving them a load of damage and speed. You do have a good point tho

Faster projectile for slow magics / not-magic builds.
Also smoke bombs because funny.

okay, but they do like 68 dmg right now, and are annoying to aim. Though, I guess all weapons are getting a dmg buff

Weapons in general are absolute garbage at the moment and I have no idea what vetex was thinking when he nerfed them so hard.


Part 1 and 2 are basically this but explained more
…which I guess is fine since there’s the combo points and all but you should at least know some of it was planned

Idk about the ranged weapon part but I feel like it can be abused easily, especially after the magic jump changes.
Just move left and right to dodge most spells while spamming your bow, use your magic jump or block whenever an attack is too close, and if your jump is weak enough then you’ll be able to use it a ton in a row as long as you hit the ground between them. Using a bow while falling sounds too good too.
Now I don’t do pvp and what I said is probably wrong, but surely they can be abused to death somehow

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…I guess we’ll just add this suggestion to the “Robin does a dumb” list then.

This is a very well made suggestion, through the dash/propel system for me would seem a bit lazy. Just adding so that you move forward when you attack seems like it would interfere in how attacks are supposed to look when done. An example of this would be a simple sword swing being done at a angle, there would be no extreme force being put forward in the swing except for preparing the swing therefore making it look out of place if the player would to move forward because of that.

And most weapon build players need to get extremely up close which leaves them vulnerable to magic users who would use barrage spells to deal high damage or heavy magic users like metal, earth, or lava. Honestly I wouldn’t plan on making any suggestions right now since Vetex most likely has it all planned out already. Once again this is a very well made suggestion and hope you keep making them!

i know you said upgrading your weapon gives more but does that include the swift enchant?

Maybe. Honestly, I don’t feel like having an enchant should give you more attacks since it seems a little OP.

Great idea

Nice job on this suggestion. If there’s one thing I would like to add, isn’t air-stalling or freezing in the air with slashes already happening? And aren’t the hitboxes being changed from making contact with the weapon to a fixed hitbox?

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