If Aliens appeared in our solar system?

counterpoint: who kamikazes a civilization with far inferior tech, they could have just shot the ship

it’s very hard to turn when your going extremely fast in space
at least that’s what some say
we have no fucking idea

Avengers could win :slight_smile:

If they’re sexy I’ll reconsider

no words

Thanos Wins | Event | Marvel Comic Reading Lists

:alien: :hamburger: :point_left: :fr: eat it

Avengers Endgame:

Yes R.i.p Thanos

we dont have any of those heros though
all we have is nukes and even that isn’t very effective(it took a nuke to split one ship in half with a near direct hit)

And doest exists any type of alien though if i go to you logic, all we have its amount of fake evidences that aliens exists


Me reading this argument

I mean, if u believe that aliens exists so… powers can exist too and maybe avengers could exist ( Not the Marvel Avengers ) But yeah, still super heroes can exist, so theres a point for we two meaning this is a tie

Lol thats a bad game xd

(He got mad because he died to a daryl)

Oh nvm i see why, the same kids that play brawn stars play minecraft too… funny haha

Whats wrong with brawl stars and minecraft

I mean those videos are minecraft videos
