If Aliens appeared in our solar system?

aliens are out there but they’re probably just little bacteria or plants.

For the first few billion years no organisms could even begin to form. It was way to hot, It took many years for Earth to cool down and likely many other planets took time to cool down. Not to mention even if life exists multicellular life is unlikely at best.

single celled organisms that use the star for energy.

Alternate realities exist, as well as other universes so why not other life?


pee myself

depends on what type of aliens come to earth

if they’re hostile: speedrun breaking the geneva convention (I am a proud arsonist and biological warfare enjoyer with a love for barbed wire and chainsaws :hugs:)

if they’re friendly: a lot more complicated, if they look “appealing” to humans or it’s safe to get down with one of em I totally would try to date a few, but if otherwise idk lol just continue life as always :person_shrugging:

We exist. We are intelligent life. There are almost certainly an innumerable amount of planets with conditions similar to ours. Therefore, it is statistically impossible that there is not life somewhere with a comparable intelligence level to ours, or higher.

This is the most furry thing I’ve heard in my fucking life


bro if it’s consent from both sides and it’s completely safe then what do I have to lose lmao

if they make the first move even better

A new friendly species comes to earth and your first thought is to get laid

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Their ships are armed and we may have nuked one of them when they came to earth

I apologize for my downbadness

but ong

if they end up lookin like the blue people from avatar or something similar and I end up dating one of em

boy oh boy I can’t wait for my close encounter in the bed


Keep it in the shower bro no one wants to see this post


What in the ACTUAL FUCK.
Keep this to yourself next time :innocent:

lmaooooo okay okay I won’t talk about it anymore

The good ending

on an unrelated and much, much worse note…

Screenshot 2022-10-21 8.49.26 AM

reckoning is upon us…


Dont care