If Aliens appeared in our solar system?


Bro are you serious?

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yes :pensive:

a ridiculous amount of coincidences allowed our planet to harbor life in the first place

so the chances of that being replicated somewhere else are really, really small if not nonexistent

You underestimate just how massive the universe is.

yes, itā€™s really big, but our blue bubble lucked out by getting perfect rolls in everything life could possibly need to exist

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s impossible but thereā€™s just a really small chance it does exist

really small chances for there to be another place suitable for human life but for alien species thereā€™s probably a lot

I didnā€™t consider this, true

Doesnā€™t matter if itā€™s one in a billion, if you roll the lottery a septillion times thereā€™s gonna be a lot of winners.

unless they all got unlucky

but yes there could be life out there, just so out of reach weā€™d never interact


Though most of it is probably bacteria and such so yes, weā€™ll probably never interact with aliens before we kill ourselves from climate change.

hopefully we fix this sometime :pray:

With our current state, thatā€™s real optimistic. Weā€™ll probably hit the tipping point fairly soon, and humanity isnā€™t smart or cooperative enough to all come together, or all care.

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I mean, optimism is better than an existential crisis

but yeah unless something actually changes weā€™ll get nowhere

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Thatā€™s 40b planets in our galaxyā€¦ thereā€™s prob duodecillions of galaxies in our universe lol

the universe is growing apart. Itā€™s already too late to reach or be reached by anything outside of our local galaxy cluster.

I know, but the current argument between me/cryo/literally everyone else and Broly is if they exist

Also cryo has like 1.5k+ pages of space books in his bookshelf donā€™t argue with him