If u could add a move from an anime

In game you just run away. The secret Joestar technique makes you carefully retreat and your surroundings to defeat opponent

You do realize you can literally do the same thing in AO right :neutral_face:

(assuming you actually come back to fight the person you’re in combat with)

You just dont understand.

Yeah I really don’t understand tbh

one of them is just “running but you’re thinking about how to win” like you can still do that in AO it ain’t that deep

Ok im done

this sounds odd but hear me out

A transformation spell version of aura that can give you animal like features. Like claws or whiskers

(Inspiration: Nine-Tails Version 1 Cloak)

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Body manipulation

You mean Bella Graves?

LOL, no my irl one

Makes sense then

Bah, screw it…
Elemental Susanoo’s while we’re at it.

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Susanoo made out of explosion magic. What can go wrong?

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Explosion magic isn’t exploding in air so I don’t see the issue, it’s all just magic that WE are controlling at the end of the day.


W anime taste

Would be that move Zoro uses against King

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elemental susanoos sound great

give us elemental clone spells

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And also

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Liquidation from the pokemon anime, specifically the sun and moon one.

It’s just so god damn cool the way it’s shown there

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The Kamehameha

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