If you could travel back in time, would you?

This is a pretty big question that’s been on my mind for a while.

  • Yes, I would.
  • No, I wouldn’t.

0 voters

On the pro side, you could discover things no one had before, and power innovation and the future.

On the con side, well, you can figure that out. Let me tell you a butterfly effect story.

The Trampled Grass Butterfly Effect.

It’s 1999. A smuggler has brought a dangerous crossbreed of insect to the United States. He brings it, and a mate to a family’s backyard, where they are released. They will breed soon. However, a frog spots the insects nearby. However, there is a challenge. A bird overhead, who is trying to spot prey. However, there is just enough greenery for him to hide, and he eats the insects.

Say, however, you traveled back in time. You appeared in that same backyard and took a look around. You went back into the time machine and traveled back to your time. However, you stepped on a patch of grass in that backyard. When the same events happened a few minutes after you left, the few trampled blades of grass were just enough to reveal the frog, which the bird happily ate. The insects replicated, and ate most of the greenery in the area. This became a chain reaction in the environment. Soon, they became out of control, and most animal life in the US died. This led to world devastation, and the human race died out.

This is an example I made of the butterfly effect. It’s highly exaggerated, but still possible. One tiny change can doom everyone forever.

If I found a time machine, I would hide it and attempt to destroy it. In my opinion, the flow of time is something that should NOT be interfered with.

But would YOU? Could the discoveries be worth the risk? Or would the possible destruction outrule it all?


i mean
i could always travel back in time to hopefully reverse my butterfly effect if i still exist after it

That’s the problem. Time travel is a complicated thing, and a single thing we could do might just mess up EVERYTHING.

That’s why I would destroy the machine, and never let anyone find it’s remains. Far too dangerous.

not if i travel to when i was in the womb and abort myself before it can happne :sunglasses:

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:baby: :cricket_bat_and_ball:

done now no more butafly afect


Anyone saying “No, I wouldn’t” is capping

I’d go back to November 2003 when I was born and pull an “ORA ORA ORA” on my newborn self to cancel my own life :nod:

Surely if we are at the point of having a functioning time machine, we would already know the consequences of using it or something. I mean, you aren’t the first one to use it and nobody screwed up space and time yet so…

Anyway I’ll just go buy a new wii cuz I was dumb enough to throw my old one away before even cleaning the len

I voted no but then I realised that if I travelled to the future and back I wouldn’t have to worry about the butterfly effect
Edit: oh wait it’s back in time, well a time machine probably would have the ability to go into the future

grandfather paradox isn’t real because time isn’t real, sorry bro :pensive:

If you kill every bad guy when they are babies, society will then make you the bad guy and call you “baby killer”

no lol everyone knows bad guys are born evil, they’ll congratulate you because you killed a bunch of evil criminal babies :rofl:

Normally, I wouldn’t mess with time.

…But on the other hand. I would totally go back in time and stop Jim Jones from doing his thing. Don’t ask how I’d stop him, I am legally required to not tell you.


I’d push that fucker tiktaalik back into the ocean.


so, its just better to be an observer bc of the butterfly effect

I would ban anime in the usa