If you could travel back in time, would you?

depends on what type of time travel we’re doing

The butterfly effect doesn’t really matter. The odds of your actions in the past dooming the present are the same as your actions in the present dooming to future.


The result wouldn’t matter either way, to me. I’d probably change some more recent events, namely, I think I’d just fucking stop COVID from happening and then 2020 turns into a beautiful year.
I think we can all agree that preventing COVID in the first place would be an all-in thing to do

I’ll travel back in time and convince America to not nuke the Japanese, then have the Soviets take over and see if they still develop anime.

  1. How would you do that?
  2. Why would you do that?

For the people who said they would use it, would you:

  • A: Help a German man get accepted into art school
  • B: Kill a few bats

0 voters

Everyone should have a right to learn

id go back to the beginning of grade 11 and redo all my classes (:

I chose option A because either way there’s still gonna be 1 million people dying in under a year.

Well the german man, along with many germans at the time, was pretty antisemitic. Also, with the immense pressure that Germany was facing post-WWI, World War II would likely have happened whether or not the german man went to art school. I would instead do research beforehand and attempt to get a more moderate, less genocidal person in charge of Germany.


I’d just be selfish and use time travel to fix my own life

Hmm. I’m not liking my poll anymore. I see where you and coming from @Ultra

I’d kill a few bats, since if the funny German man gets into art school, someone else may be just like who he was gonna be, if not worse.
At least with bat murder there’s a clear win.

I don’t see how a worse person could be in charge, but many people would be equally as bad as the man with the funny moustache.

Depends on what method of time travel were doing. If we’re doing something like steins gate were we send memories back then sure I could basically relive my life and make it even better lol.

I mean, imagine you take his death toll and up it to the numbers of Stalin.
Or he somehow wins the war.

Well Stalin was in power for many decades, and killed somewhere between 10 and 20 million people. Hitler was only in power for a few years. In his little time in power, he killed 6 million Jewish people, 3 million prisoners of war, 2 million Polish civilians, and over a million other people. Hitler killed more people per year than Stalin did.

But if Germany won the war, it could have been much worse.

I mean tbf Stalin’s deaths are more of a result of incompetence than literal genocide.

Not true. There are around 800,000 recorded executions. There are an estimated ~1.7 deaths in the gulag. There are many other deaths caused by deportation. Holodomor killed 3-8 million Ukrainians. There were many deaths caused by incompetence, but Stalin definitely did commit millions of direct murders. It is debated as to whether or not it counts as genocide.