If you could travel back in time, would you?

Ah, I see now. Still, you see what I’m getting at.

Yeah. If changing the dude somehow causes Germany to win the war, it could be worse. However, if you get a weaker person in charge, you can probably guarantee their loss. You could do this by finding some dude, tell them things that will happen in the future, and let them use your “predictions” to become a sort of prophet. You can get pretty much anyone in charge of anything that way.

when did this thread become about history and how many people died in history
im confused now

It came from someone asking if we should kill the funny moustache man or not, and what the repercussions of that would be.

funny moustache man probably should not become funny moustache man

Gulags were only for convicts and political prisoners, not a persecution of race/religion/etc.

Death in them was again, a result of incompetence.

Yes, that’s called the death penalty. Although it was handed out much for much less strict causes like you’d get the death penalty instantly for something like assault it’s still political incompetence, not genocide.

Yes that’s called incompetence…

A famine is a direct result of government incompetence

I could agree with Manslaughter but it wasn’t with intent so it wouldn’t be Murder

I’m honestly surprised you didn’t bring up The Great Purge

Your original point was that his deaths were because of incompetence.

Now you’re arguing that him directly murdering a specifically defined group of millions of people doesn’t count as genocide.

What are you trying to prove?

Social persecution isn’t specifically defined, also genocide is persecution of nationality or ethnic group with intent of its destruction.

It technically isn’t genocide. You are correct. But it definitely wasn’t incompetence. In the Dekulakization, he had the clearly defined goal of killing and deporting the Kulak social class.

It depends on how you define incompetence ig, The Dekulakization was similar to the French Revolution in its reasoning and results and I consider the French Revolution as more of incompetence than murder on Napoleon’s part.

You could argue in both cases that they were both cold murderers though.


I guess it could go both ways depending on your interpretation of “incompetence.”

I said Napoleon because Napoleon and Stalin both became effective dictators who killed many more after their respective revolutions.

Oh, I thought you meant Napoleon caused the revolution. Yeah, you’re right.

Why did this blow up and why is this about WWII now

I’ll go back in time over and over so there is multiple clones of me, and then we all stop the meteor from 65 million years ago. Fast forwards to the future and I’m riding a T-Rex

I just want to travel back in time so I can fix some mistakes i’ve made when I was around 5 years old

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I would love to travel back in time to guild update where suncry was dominating and is still dominating

If the dinosaurs never died, mammals would never dominate and people would never exist. So you’d be very lonely on your T-Rex. Sorry.

That is the only logical problem with your comment, by the way.

I mean it would destroy present day me but to mess with my past self would be worth it

Wow that’s genius