If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

How dare I vote for a major component of several builds that should’ve logically existed on release?


im gonna equip a bunch of katanas and give them random ass anime moves

only good reason as to why we should get vit weapons now is because they gonna be unbalanced as hell and more balance time is cool

(also technically game hasn’t released yet looool)

The better reason we should get spirit weapons is as the Undertale Yellow guy said. Only 3/4 of builds being available on launch is wild so it essentially has an obligation to be added.

(also this games been around for a year and works perfectly fine at this point the Early access no release thing is only an excuse for the barebones lack of stuff we have. It’s the reason why everyone outside the community dogs on this game but that’s just my opinion I guess)


That and I’m not waiting after a fucking guild update to get this shit lol


the game is NOT fine, there’s way too much QOL missing, the fps drops are UNBEARABLE and there’s not enough content, also still way too unbalanced.

was kinda kidding, (my point is still correct, but obv not the only good reason lol)


because we need to buff lightning conj, thats our main priority!

I disagree, we should nerf thermo instead…

The problem is that, he’s doing it, but the update always makes the game less optimized

Optimises it
Adds more things
Leaks continue

Maybe he should dedicate one update only for optimising stuff after every content expansion


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That’s what I’ve been thinking for a while. It wouldn’t be a long wait with the new update schedule

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??? did you even read what you said this under ???

This is literally just how weapons work

my 3rd weapon slot isn’t any smaller than my first assuming the weapon rarity grade is the same.


vitalibros stay strong

It only took 1 year and several months for vetex to finally begin developing the meat of vitality builds


I thought you were suggesting weapons to work like that. If that wasnt what you meant to say then mb

Boy, have I got some news for you

At the time I thought weapon skill customization meant like, editing weapon abilities like you would with magic or FS

it seems we got something totally different, however.

I’ve yet to see what crazy things arise from this change before I can make any solid opinion now :thinking:

crushing judgement on a regular hammer (trust)