If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

It’s gonna be so funny




watch as this wipes our inventory

if wiping items doesn’t wipe your entire inventory, then receiving a new item also won’t

Now I can actually play as a vitality hybrid instead of just a berserker with less move options and slightly more hp

vitality is so powerful that vetex had to make you deal less damage the more you invest more into vitality


i’m… obviously not serious about that


Dude, conj got magic and arcanium items, which warriors can’t even equip, how to do you got less than warriors that got nothing

are these conjurer exclusive weapons in the room with us right now?

Can you rephrase because I just don’t understand what you mean

still waiting on the savant exclusive weapons :frpensive:

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I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen tbh
I mean wouldn’t savants just get to use hybrid weapons just fine?

They can turn strength weapons into arcanium strength weapons

spirit arcanium strength weapons that scale with 4 stats

Wait, then that make artisan weapons useless

we arent sure what artisan weapons will be yet but its likely gonna be weapons with customizable skills (like magic, fs moves) so nah

I do hope so, warriors got nothing rn

my friend, they literally have the most options out of any class in the game