If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

mage still claps till nerf

Mage got 16 moves while warrior got 9

and berserkers and mages can customize their moves

mages can choose out of 8 different spells on 2 magics

meanwhile, warriors can choose between 42 different skills, they can easily increase their weapon’s stat scaling using enchants, they have decent usability on at all ranges, they can inflict poison, bleed, slowness, burning, soaked and charred without having to reset a file.
(bonus mentions: warriors can use nearly everything underwater, they have some of the best mobility in the game )

tldr: stop complaining about how warrior doesn’t have content

i think that AwesomeOS is talking about actually using.

while yes you have the CHOICE of a lot more, but you won’t change weapons every 2 seconds, especially in a fight.

meaning for actual use mage got more moves to use than warrior

that’s what intensity is for
so you have a longer window to switch your weapons before the status effect runs out

Let me rephrase : warrior lack good content, plus, half the weapon in the games are either trash or reskin, so no, it’s not that much

that’s why we need spirit weapons
and that’s why we’re now getting spirit weapons

They also have more possibilities; spells scrolls, sinergy, customization, lot of magic (in the futur) and lot of futur content, warriors are JUST conjurer or warlord but with just half ass completed weapons that are not that different from magic (seriously vetex, give us some combo extenders)

ig rare+ weapons dont exist or atleantean weapons

comboes suck in a game with pvp, and are simply bad game design

you get hit by 1 attack and you can’t do anything while your opponent just hits you with 5 more attacks

Weapon are supposed to be about heavy mixed up, yet they work exactly like magic but with some mobility moves, and no, combo are NOT bad game design. Have you ever played dmc5 ? Pulling combo in this game is fire.

  • what I mean by combo extender is an attack that can be used at close range and that is not an aoe with huge endlag, something that would make weapon actually different than magic.

Also having combo doesn’t = can’t do anything

have you heard about brutal rush?

combos are essential in most games for example battleground games

Thats not what a combo is

then what are they?


warriors can have just as much synergy as mages if more weapons like sunken sword and scald tooth dagger are made

exploded sword and ash tooth dagger