If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

Can’t say I didn’t expect this


It seems similar to weapons but hopefully they have there own unique thing

My main complaint is how juggernaut just seems to be some weird mix of warlock and warlord with a side of drawback

Yeah but tbh what did we want for vit hybrids anyways?

We asked for imbues and we got imbues, most of us didn’t expect magic synergies though

glass paladins are going to go crazy

unfortunately spirit imbues don’t really change affinities
which is understandable, but it would be fun to make builds

Iron leg juggernaut with a crystal spirit weapon

they are? why?

I made a topic explaining it like 3 hours ago

yeah, i just saw it

Actually glad we got em first tbh

Behold, vfx!

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I thought it was talking about technique scrolls, yeah no there isn’t any excuse for these ‘people’

Sick, dude!! :speaking_head::fire::fire::fire:

Yo that’s sick tyvm! Glad I still have my Juggernaut {:


Away down south in the land of traitors,
Rattlesnakes and alligators

as a conjuror half-main, I can confirm my paladin will be happy

Looks like plasma but better (I’m not complaining)
Hopefully we get to choose the color?