If you didn’t vote spirit weapon’s consider yourself an opp

Unfortunately yellow and red are exclusive to paladins

I wonder how it got to red after imbuing it with teal lightning
(nvm figured it out)

Nah, its time to make slots 9, 10 and 11

Also merciful paladin + water magic will be… interesting?


I’m a lonjurer and I must say, that’s pretty cool (I’ll switch a file to paladin)


finally, piss magic
creation + chaos cooked but the meal was a bug steak from stardew valley

lemonade vitality VS kool-aid vitality

how we feeling about this one guys :thinking:

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yellow snow gonna go wild

yellow will look sick with fire considering how good blue spirit with fire looks already

its gonna look like sun magic

I think you already saw that. As Paladins will always have gold Spirit Enrrgy unless you’re Ruthless. The teal traces might be the EP imbue

I would’ve preferred to have just the regular blue/purple imbues instead of gold and red but eh
the awakening name is very cool tho

Rb1 is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. in every drop of rain and in every grain of sand. Rb1 is within everything and everything is within Rb1

nah you don’t understand I want sparrow thrust on staff

Doesn’t matter since y’all gonna get it before spirit weapons well get ours in like June

(replied to wrong topic)

man I’m kinda bummed about my paladin

yellow vitality energy + :wind_magic_var2: is gonna look hella weird :sob:

Brotha eughhh

dawg atleast you dont have to deal with piss colored snow :sob: