If you had the choice to make the AO devs do 1 thing, what would it be?

Dontcha just love how they don’t just kill out out of the blue, but also sink your ship for the heck of it?

My ship was built to sink the ships of those types (3k damage ram)(how much damage do strong howitzers and hvy exploding shells do)(dragonfire carronades) :cold_face::cold_face:

i can do better

Ight ight ( i dont have dark sea scrolls)
22k hp and 97 speed 66 turning

I would give vetex a 100k to hire atleast 1 solid dev teamate to speed up the process of developing ao


Give rare weapons more than just 1 unique attack because I did not grind hundreds of hours for sunken swords only to have one unique ability while the rest are completely identical to a regular ass sword


in 2027 they will add one (1) new ability for each weapon…just wait bro…

I get that they sink your ship so you loose respawn or can’t run via ship but like they can’t stop my cowardly self downing sharkrepel and waterbreathing pots to then sink in the ocean until out of combat and then vamoss outta that server?

Nonono, you misunderstand. These two losers sunk my brig for literally no reason at all when I was half the sea away. I just left it at sailor’s lodge to travel on my sister’s ship, and then in Palo Town I started getting the notification that it was being damaged.

If you have a brig, reset avatar whilst spawn is set - and then go onto your sister’s ship so yours can despawn whilst ya’ll travel together.

Plus side of that too is if ya’ll get attacked and her ship sinks, you gotta back up ship

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you get attacked by a brig and you have 5 friends inside yours, the 5 friends jump out and spawn their ships and you gank the attacker with 6 brigs

make leader boards and the bounty system as a whole be based on feats rather than renown farming. So the skilled players are constantly fighting other skilled players and the leader board becomes an actual reflection of skill.

boosting is still a thing, you can get an emperor and hunt him several times to get several ‘hunted emperor’ feats

more difficult tho

You don’t lose feats when you get hunted

Optimize the game, especially the dark sea

Add Cataclysm Magic as an Ancient Magic Scroll on April Fools’ Day, then set the Magic Requirement to 1201 Magic points when the player tries to use the scroll.

it always rounds your magic number up to the nearest 10 (120 goes to 130, 153 goes to 160, etc)



Beat this

you’re destroying my brig in 2 hits :sob: