If you had the choice to make the AO devs do 1 thing, what would it be?

Give me all the seasonals and sunkens and acrimonies and modified items and… well you get the idea.

Buff metal magic

player hosted executions

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custom player execution types, like skinning, boiling alive, etc!

I’d have 'em revamp the combat system from the ground up to be more approachable to the average player and less horribly crippled by the game’s lag.


cant forget waterboarding

Don’t have to—I can outsail it.

my ram speed is faster + sneak attack

The damage you’re gonna take from your own ram…

like 3.8K dmg

You’re gonna sink your own ship in 5 hits :sob:



a ragdoll button

it does literally nothing but just makes your player character ragdoll

you can press it again to go back to normal

add an ice weapon

thats it

never make this go below 52%

Set attack speed efficiency to 101%

nah, 52% just to spite the balance the time, its so small yet benefits high investment, a little bit

Sure, and then set intensity efficiency to 900% (itll still be a useless stat)

i’d give all modifiers an atlantean essence-like item so you don’t have to roll a 1 in 500 chance to get the particular item you need with crystallised on it

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