If you had the choice to make the AO devs do 1 thing, what would it be?

well have i got news for you!

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Add cheese for cooking

Idk? probably custom magic/weapon

Give me admin, including nullification to all moderation including Vetex, a wage, and commands so I can fuck with gankers. I want the basic stuff, y’know, god mode, building, flying, killing, giving items, but also some custom stuff:

;gravy [player]
Summons 4 Heavily Armored Navy Brigs piloted by Rear Admirals which chase down the specified players. Can hurt players of all renown types.

;delevel [player]
Sets a player’s level to 1 and kicks them from the game. Maintains their items but resets their story progression.

;deathray [player]
Summons a Calvus Death Ray on a player.

;hunger [player] [number]
Sets hunger

;arrest [player] [time]
Arrests player (no 10m time limit)

;cataclysm [player]
Gives a player Cataclysm Magic that lasts for 1 day

;notoriety [player] [stars]
Pay 50,000 Galleons to clear your Notoriety

;shark [player]
Summons a Giant White Eyes as close as possible to a player

;stats [player] [numbers for all the stats in order]
Sets stats until relog

;secondaries [player] [numbers for all secondary effects in order]

;atlantean [player] [level]
Turns a player into an Atlantean until death

;unclaim [island]
Unclaims an island and makes it claimable if not possible already (yes even including Ravenna or Sameria)

;effect [player] [potion effect] [tier] [amount] [length]

;destroy [islandname]

;forcetransfer [player]
Makes a player attempt joining your server.

;julian [player]
Sends Julian full force at a player (attack is homing and goes through walls)

;titlescreen [player]
Forces a player to attempt returning to the title screen.

;aggro [target]
Makes the nearest non-hostile NPC chase down and attack a player relentlessly. Stats randomized

;massaggro [target]
Makes all nearby NPCs chase down and attack a player relentlessly.

;gravitize [player]
Makes a player’s attacks no longer float them.

;endlag [player] [modifier]
Increases/decreases endlag for a player.

;iris [player]
Summons Iris who follows a certain player, who occasionally requests “Hey, [player], wanna do some 34 sussy roleplay together?”

;siren [player]
Equips siren top on player’s vanity

;atlantean2 [player] [level]
Summons an aggroed Atlantean of a specified level next to the player.



;btools me

;fling all (sorry dark sea runners)

New ships :pray:

vetex is always doing this to me

dreadnought endgame ship

The Atlanteans won’t know what hit em

Dear god no the Bronze Sea would be untraversable


@Dudeman this guy didn’t get initiated




Better late than never, I suppose.

Add skibidi toilet

Bring back Arcane Adventure :skull::joy: (joke).

PLEASE add more power and intensity items, preferably a full armor set. Like calvus but replace size with intensity. That would be perfect

i had the darkest backstory
didnt get welcomed until far later