Mc’s custom weapon:
Dual Katanas -
1st Sword Draw: Mirrored River
2nd Flying X - Flying Slash but X shaped
Naginta -
1st Cutthroat Judgement - Crushing judgement but slighty faster casting speed but less damage, shoots a small vertical axe slash after doing the aoe move.
2nd Devestation
Odachi -
1st Tempest
2nd Striking Gale
This question is mainly ask to weapon users but it doesnt matter, i like yo read what ur own custom weapons would be in ao
Fly Lord’s Pot: A weapon that’s literally just a cauldron and ladel, but extremely infected and mucus covered. Only has 3 skills due to its gimmick.
Hold M1: You stir the pot adding a random effect (DoT’s like poison, corroding, bleeding, insanity, etc.) after 5 seconds of stirring. If you get a duplicate effect then the duration is increased. Effects reset every time you discard the pot with m1, and 1st/2nd skill.
M1: You throw the pot’s contents infront of you, adding whatever effects to the enemy and creating a puddle that also applies them. (Kinda like Smash’s Shockwave option but shorter)
1st skill - Garden of Gifts: Pour the pot at your feet creating an expanding area of vile disease and fetid flesh until you cancel the skill or you’re hit, this aoe shrinks at a constant rate. Adds pot effects to anybody in it.
2nd skill - Striders in Affliction: Pour the pot on the floor which grows very slow but durable npcs that can only m1 enemies (minimum summoned is 2 but each second afterwards summons another up to a max of 5), whenever they hit an enemy it adds the pots effects and further hits simply increase duration.
3rd skill - Precious Disease: Target a player to shower them with your pot and be blessed, andthey will have a slightly more disgusting model. Now your pot effects are completely positive to them (healing, warding, etc.) but still follow the 1 stir at a time rule.
Too lazy to make it shorter or fix mistakes now and yes this is copying Grandaddy faction
On my only file that actually uses weapons a lot, I have two ideas. I’ll probably suggest them both, at some point.
One is a customized dagger.
The other is a staff.
Both may or may not be inspired by certain games.
Ingame Weapons: Kai Saber, Greatsword, Bronze Musket
Custom Weapons:
Dual Katanas -
Bomb Strike (Dash move with AOE, classic AA dual katana move)
Twin Flying Slash - Dual flying slash in a X shape, just better name.
Broadsword -
Blade Crush - Devestate but smaller, and you leap towards the cursor in an arc before doing it.
Piercing Gale
Level Rifle -
Sleight of Hand - Buff move, greatly reduces reload speed for 15 seconds.
Piercing Shot
stick in form of sword, little bit smaller than old sword
Stick of Swordman’s Judgement
1st: Whirlwind
2nd: Flying Phoenix (i forgot how swords’ 3rd ability was called)
3rd: Shining Cycle
has less damage than any other weapon but requires way less points (its like bronze sword but worse)
I already have a whole lore trello on my files and in the trello my main slot uses a legendary katana. It is basicalyl a normal katana except for the fact that it can transform the blade into a “white slashing” energy, and leaves a lingering “slash” trail that follows the blade
Kristen waters’ legendary weapon that I want sometime down the line
Frost metal Musket/s
Functioning similar to Tomoe’s Rifles from Madoka Magica, these are intricate muskets created from Frost metal which only offer a singular powerful shot which shatters the musket on use. A new one can be passively generated, but takes roughly the same time as it would to reload a normal flintlock. These muskets are made purely from Frostmetal, so they will fade if left on their own for a while.
Ability 1: Frostwalker
A quick shot is fired downwards, propelling the user upwards and forwards, before quickly creating a new musket. Deals 0.7X base shot damage, unable to use rifle for half of time it takes to create a new rifle.
Ability 2: Concentrated Shell
A strong shot that concentrates all the magic energy put into the rifle to generate a more powerful shot than normal. This move deals 1.5X the base damage of a normal shot and comes out around the same speed as piercing shot. Deals bleed on hit.
Ability 3: -Need help with this one-
Ability 4: -Need help with this one-
Ability 5: Ultimate Art : Snowfall
The musket is thrown into the air before being quickly shot with a hastly generated rifle, shattering the musket and unleashing a zone of continuous frostmetal shards. Deals 0.2X shot damage, lasts for ~9 seconds, hits 10 times