If your MC have their own custom weapon what would it be and how would you want it to be?

Sword of LGBTQ+ Fire.

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The Inquisitor: An ornate rapier and a handcannon

Axe and Saber: An axe and saber, what more to ask

Gonna make this out of arcanium metal

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Era Hollow, Master of the Forge(Conjurer)

Blessing of Hephaestus
An arcanium hammer with a ornage glow

Grand Skewer
A massive, neon blue spirit weapon

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On my only file that actually uses weapons a lot, I have two ideas. I’ll probably suggest them both, at some point.
One is a customized dagger.
The other is a staff.
Both may or may not be inspired by certain games.

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an axe with cherry blossom theme

i love axe and the pink color

everytime it hit someome and spill their blood, their blood will appear as pink petals instead, this is purely visual

an arcanium shield that can knock people back with wind magic everytime they get too close, doesnt have any long range or mobility skill

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1st file: Ace Cinders

Ingame Weapons: Kai Saber, Greatsword, Bronze Musket

Custom Weapons:

Dual Katanas -
Bomb Strike (Dash move with AOE, classic AA dual katana move)
Twin Flying Slash - Dual flying slash in a X shape, just better name.
Broadsword -
Blade Crush - Devestate but smaller, and you leap towards the cursor in an arc before doing it.
Piercing Gale
Level Rifle -
Sleight of Hand - Buff move, greatly reduces reload speed for 15 seconds.
Piercing Shot

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stick in form of sword, little bit smaller than old sword
Stick of Swordman’s Judgement
1st: Whirlwind
2nd: Flying Phoenix (i forgot how swords’ 3rd ability was called)
3rd: Shining Cycle

has less damage than any other weapon but requires way less points (its like bronze sword but worse)

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Elite’s Bayonet

1# Piercing Gale

2# Shining Cycle

3# Ethereal Flash

All of the skills are pastel blue colored

Triasta but less size

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Ronan Archer:
A named sword and a crossbow. The sword was forged by Ronan himself. It hasn’t broken for years.

Adjutori Grey:
A tanto, a wakizashi, and a poison tooth dagger. He also keeps a compact staff somewhere in his robes.

Reinhardt Tarven
A sabre and a flintlock.

that’s pretty much it

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I already have a whole lore trello on my files and in the trello my main slot uses a legendary katana. It is basicalyl a normal katana except for the fact that it can transform the blade into a “white slashing” energy, and leaves a lingering “slash” trail that follows the blade

Kristen waters’ legendary weapon that I want sometime down the line

Frost metal Musket/s

Functioning similar to Tomoe’s Rifles from Madoka Magica, these are intricate muskets created from Frost metal which only offer a singular powerful shot which shatters the musket on use. A new one can be passively generated, but takes roughly the same time as it would to reload a normal flintlock. These muskets are made purely from Frostmetal, so they will fade if left on their own for a while.

Ability 1: Frostwalker

  • A quick shot is fired downwards, propelling the user upwards and forwards, before quickly creating a new musket. Deals 0.7X base shot damage, unable to use rifle for half of time it takes to create a new rifle.

Ability 2: Concentrated Shell

  • A strong shot that concentrates all the magic energy put into the rifle to generate a more powerful shot than normal. This move deals 1.5X the base damage of a normal shot and comes out around the same speed as piercing shot. Deals bleed on hit.

Ability 3: -Need help with this one-

Ability 4: -Need help with this one-

Ability 5: Ultimate Art : Snowfall

  • The musket is thrown into the air before being quickly shot with a hastly generated rifle, shattering the musket and unleashing a zone of continuous frostmetal shards. Deals 0.2X shot damage, lasts for ~9 seconds, hits 10 times

a sawed off shotgun would be nice

An explosion magic cannon that vomits out horrible unstable magic projectiles that explode and cause chain reactions with the magic energy around it causing it to also explode.

This weapon’s explosions would leave behind invisible dangerous AOE clouds that not only damage players caught in it but also drains their magic energy and stamina.

a crossbow bigger than the character

frying pan

In short a mini ballista

For my explosion magic I would choose a blindingly loud explosion - something like the volcano of Krakatoa but not as op lolo. It wouldn’t necessarily do all that much damage but it’d make your screen go black for sometime and you’d hear a loud beeping sound.

For the Monster Thigh fighting style a ground-shaking slam would be cool. But I guess that’d be too similar to the Rush move.

As for weapons - a grappling hook.

File: Ace Grey, Conjurer

Chromatic Convergence

  • Type: Arcanium multi-weapon
  • A black weapon handle in its unequipped form. Its other forms are mostly black with markings and parts that glow white or the imbuement colour. These glow parts also decrease the intenisty of imbuement particles.
  • This weapon takes all the remaining empty weapon slots upon equipping it from the inventory.
  • Instead of a unique attack, this weapon has a new secondary skill like spell binding and imbuement called weapon shift:
    • Tapping its key shifts the weapon to a random type (rapier, sword, etc.), allowing the usage of all weapon skills from that type. This also makes every other slot with this weapon equipped have random weapons too, indicated by their icons changing. This is also used the first time the weapon is equipped from the hotbar, and the weapon type is stored, even while unequipped, until death.
    • Holding the key brings up a menu similar to the imbuement menu to specifically choose a weapon. This only affects the equipped slot.

Giant Banana

Q: Raging impact
E: Brutal rush

For my friend whos obsessed with bananas

Also cannonballs spaced like oranges, because cannonfist :)))