I'll try to give advice on every magic in the game!

I like to call ice magic “DnD magic” because single blast attacks look like d20s

wow, its extremely misleading to use ig

welp I guess I wait and see what other customers ask for my wisdom

do you actually have good pvp experience or would i be a better person for this task

like i can understand you being more of a casual guide but your opinions about various magics and playstyles give me an aneurysm



how? I feel like my guides are decent and casual, they aren’t supposed to be super technical and I’m not making up bullshit as I go, I have a lot of experience

I usually make a magic file and play it up to level 90, cycle over some pvp gear I have from another file onto the file with the magic in question, then have some pvp and compare it.

Well you told me earlier that acid is better glass so i just dont ultra trust what you say if you get me

it really is though.

like assuming we don’t talk about bleedstack acid is better glass.

Tell me about water magic please.

How about light?

why would you compare acid to glass without bleed stack vetex aint removing it from wom anytime soon

glass is better than acid. period.

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Explosion, im waiting.

How do you think crystal will be best utilized in AO?

water or lightning

Magma, or ash

isn’t glass a meta magic?

S tier but a worse acid in AO

Also this advice is ass, all magics play the exact same

i think the only ones that play different are heavy magics

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