I'm a warlock main, ask me any questions

You really must not know what you’re doing if you think weapons are bad at close range

berserkers do

And iron leg warlocks are still no skill, can’t change my mind

3,000 HP

the enemy has 3,000 HP and deals at least 150 dmg(shot)

Ignorance at its peak

xd you are delusional if you actually think Iron Leg warlock or Iron Leg berserker takes skill


And warrior maybe it can deal 170+ with defense(I deal 223 but no defense.

At most a warrior can get 2,200 HP, but their attacks won’t deal any DMG, in the end every time they get close they can say goodbye to their HP

smash and crash can deal 170+ with a synergy

and this is assuming it’s a tank berserker/warlock, if it’s a more balanced one then they can deal even more dmg

and Iron leg warlock, depending on the magic can deal 200-300+ DMG in one hit(2.5k+ HP btw)

I’ve seen crystal and earth warlocks topping 400 damage with 2,000 HP

bro has some serious beef with metallic legs
i feel you tho they braindead as hell

Warrior vs Iron Leg Warlock/Berserker

Fast paced attacks, but most of them bring you closer to the enemy
Ravenna Greatsword won’t work
Could try using staff and musket,but nothing s stopping the warlock/berserker from coming close and doing shot+smash(easy 300~ DMG, did I mention the w/b has 2.7k-3,000+ hp?)
SoS would probably be the only form of safe fast damage(TP dash skill), but then again a warlock can just use 2x smash and that’s 200 HP off of you(3,000+ hp btw)

Warlock(Iron Leg):

Now they have access to more attacks, placed explosion, blast, beam

Now they deal more damage, depending on the magic(or do they deal more damage no matter what? I’ll have to check it out, but most iron legs go explosion or earth or crystal soo…

Even huger AOE

Most attacks can deal 200+ DMG with no points in power(I tested this on my earth warlock before deleting it, I can deal 200+ dmg not including DOT with a smash)

Did I mention they have 2.7k to 3k HP?

Can counter almost everything a warrior can do(using a tp move on an iron leg warlock that has a good build is death basically)

Remember, 2,700-3,000+ HP(intensity is so fun :D)

Berserker(Iron Leg Boxing):

Now they can run away and get higher into the air for bigger smashes(but this has got nothing on warlock’s AOE)

Now can cycle through Focus, constantly having 3,000 or so HP(this is totally fair and balanced)

They deal 150-200 DMG per attack

Big AOE, shot is LITERALLY almost impossible to miss and that’s saying something(it’s like it’s got a glorified beam AOE)

With boxing they get a 33% block defense buff, now the warriors attacks deal even LESS damage

(couldn’t post this because of 3 message limit)


Am I fine if I went crystal ironleg because it looks cool?

Iron leg warlock/berserker should not be defended AT ALL. This shit is straight up braindead.

Anyone trying to say “oh but-” just remember they can get 3,000 HP, can cycle focus(berserker), have a cancerous amount of AOE(even more with warlock), can deal 400-300 DMG(2x smash, depends on the amount of power)

I don’t care why you did it, if you’re crystal warlock I forever hate you with a burning passion :smiley:

(but just don’t use it to gank then your good ig)

I’ve never won a single pvp fight

Wow, you must REALLY suck at the game if Smash, Crash, Shot, repeat is too hard(no offense but crystal iron leg especially pisses me off, this anger isn’t directed at you)

A fully charged crystal iron leg can deal 600-700 DMG with a 2x shot(2,000 HP btw)


Fought a tank crystal warlock that did a 301 DMG smash(3,232 HP), and he kept hitting me with crystalized every time



iron leg requires skill

im a savant so i can use magic and fs so i think this can apply here (without imbue) i am a savant with less than 100 points of strength (can change on update if i must) and im using iron leg because of bleed and poison boost. should i change iron leg to something else (no to canon fist as i dont see use, and boxing is a last resort)

Most salty forum reply ever
If you can parry obviously telegraphed moves, then you have a skill issue.
There is no way you didn’t see them about to use literally anything, the animations are brain dead obvious. Legit just hold g when shot comes out? Or you could try outranging it. You act as if tping to a Rushdown/grab class is a good idea, has tp spamming melted your brain?

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im warlock main too

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