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opinions on shadow warlocks

(I have a shadow warlock)

shadow warlocks are great absolutely recommened

this feels sarcastic :cold_sweat:

No synergies pure skill
Try basic combat for maximum skill

yessir that’s what I’m talking about

Was planning on going sailor tbh

bros actually defending 3,000 HP 200 DMG

:clown_face: also I could use the same argument for TP spamming, just “block, parry dodge bro”

why are YOU getting so butt hurt when you don’t even use iron leg warlock/berserker/warlord?

And again I haven’t used warrior in a year, and again II could still say “block parry dodge :nerd:” to you to.(when I used warrior I used kai triasta rapier/staff)

you DO realize that even if I did keep my distance that they’ll just walk up to me and attack me some more?

Also it’s not really a rushdown class because rushdown is absolute dogwater

the clownery of this man… I mean yeah, you SHOULDN’T TP to that kind of class but what are you gonna do when they chase you with huge AOE 3,000 HP 170+ DMG attacks?

You stop moving for one second, there goes your HP. The best you’d be able to do is camp out the mode, even then if it’s a berserker they’ll just focus cycle.

and for the record, you are coming off as WAY saltier than me, I’m speaking facts and you say “block parry dodge” :nerd_face:

skill issue
you’re not even asking me questions you’re just complaining because you haven’t learned how to fight iron leg

skill issue
you’re just complaining because you haven’t learned how to fight warriors

what fighting style options should i consider as a lightning warlock?
a break from the bickering and arguing to actually ask a question

my complaints actually have some grounds, which is why warrior is getting nerfed, you won’t seen anything drastic happening to iron leg in the balance doc, because it’s perfectly fine as it is, you just suck. Go ask any reasonably intelligent well known pvper if iron leg is broken and they’ll say no

you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about and it shows
if you had more than 2 braincells that were alive, you’d know i was referring to the fighting game archetype of rushdown, not the move
Rushdown characters are characterized by their speed, combo potential, and the pressure they can apply to opponents. Seeking to approach other players and get in their face as quickly as possible, what rushdown characters may tend to lack in range, they make up for in speed and damage output.
If you didn’t know already, iron leg’s range and speed are ass and it makes up for that with damage and size, basic balancing principle. If a berserker (or warlock since you seem to hate those) decides to run lots of attack speed, it’s to lessen the effects that the low base speed has. If that doesn’t make sense to you, its like running metal magic with attack speed so your blasts go faster and actually land. Berserkers are literally forced to run more hp, since the class is very in-your-face and it WILL take damage when it gets close if the opponent is smart enough to capitalize on them RUSHING YOU DOWN and pressing S+Shift to BACK UP before they hit you and using literally any ranged move. Another option to fight these 3k hp “beasts” is this particular tool in your arsenal, the block button. If you press

at the right time, you can’t be grabbed and you take less damage. Doing this perfectly is called a parry and you take 90% less damage. Wow! Also try waiting until their focus runs out, and then immediately rushing at them to do a ton of damage before they press focus again.

sailor is good, thermo is good, iron leg is good. You really can use anything with lightning even basic or boxing and you’ll probably do fine. I like abusing stuns so i’d use sailor but iron leg + lightning has bleed synergy as well

Bro’s saying this as if having 3,000 HP and dealing 170 dmg is fair

what about a magma thermo warlock? do you think that has some potential
or how good is ash thermo? i was planning to use ash for my second magic once second awakenings are out

Also range and speed doesn’t matter as long as each time you use a skill your put in one place, nothing is stopping the enemy from catching up to you and dealing 400 DMG with crash+smash(3,000 HP)

with iron leg warlock this is even worse, dealing 300 DMG per crash/smash(2,000 HP, sometimes 3,000)

And also, blocking/parrying is like asking the enemy to go ham on you. Parrying, yeah that’s okay but blocking an attack which is what most people do just makes it so the enemy can come closer and continue to spam

ALSO did I mention iron leg boxing berserkers can cycle focus? Yeah, I did like 5 times already. A constant 3000 HP still managing to deal decent damage is fair and balanced to fight against, and telling someone to parry all the attacks isn’t really a solution.

magma thermo is good, you get extra size + double dot with burning and melting

*telling someone to parry everything they have trouble with applies to almost every attack ingame

that’s only possible with focus on and you know it, you’re recycling arguments