I'm a warlock main, ask me any questions

By the damage synergy, idk but petrify works

is there a plus after the dmg number?

No there isn’t so I guess it doesn’t work

How do you land attacks? I’m having trouble getting close and hitting my moves like crash, my grab, and shot because you need to be super close and they’re slow and/or small

Parrying and punishing end lag mostly, I barely use crash because if you miss you get punished so work on shot aim. I’d recommend starting at 70% shot as it has good range and slowly lowering size as you get better at aiming. Shockwave is easy as hell to hit and so is slam, as long as they’re close. For Rushdowns you should aim above where you want to hit because they have drop off at long ranges.

he’s asking the REAL questions

Attack speed light boxing opinions? (Yes it’ll be very bad but the speed is funny)

Do you plan on going magic fist if and whenever it gets added?

opinions on going metal infused iron leg :smirk:

I doubt magic fist as it’s own style will be a thing in AO, warlocks basically make every fighting style magic fist with their imbuement

The bleed does not stack, and metal with metal would make it even slower, so you’re better off with mostly anything else


Light thermo is probably better

Specter is the funny man who uses that combo you know.

do you have a soul

no i sold my soul to the shot blast shockwave placed crash rushdown smash beam repeat demon

Ye it is, but iirc Boxing is faster. I’ll have to test it though or wait until vetex adds the fs mentors showing fs stats feature

if you want more aggressive go thermo fist but if you want more passive playstyle go boxing


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