Im going to quit ao bro idk

that’s cause you posted it in a category you don’t have access to anymore.


Just don’t parry your life, would be suck to block 90% of it…

Same… Disconnecting a lot ever since the update… Lost about 50+ chests this way.
Also, the fs memory leak is compelte bs

Dawg who goes to dark sea for chests? Usually I just scam kids for legendary fish scales and then trade them to the PvE demons for loot.
They get luck pots, I get loot. It’s free!


The American middle man ladies and gentlemen :clap:

i lost 200+ sealed chest in total bc of the same bug, i had 6 runs and guess what, atlantean ship captain would get stuck in my ship making me unable to hit him while he was able too, one m1 spammer even hit me when i ran to take a bath.

i could had also lose 15 sailed chests bc of a petrified bug, luckily i was with my friend then

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