Im going to quit ao bro idk

solo run with like 40 dark sealed chests and got sniped by a lighting bolt while fighting an atlantean who did 400 damage flying phoenix

2.5h of progress lost in an instant

and yesterday i lost 20 sealed chests because its literally impossible to fight atlanteans on a boat due to the light of sight change

like bro im not going to do the dark sea anymore ill just trade for my build then try and make my own game


LOS is fixed but vetex haven’t fucking pushed it and updated. Plus Dark Sea is supposed to be THE Dark Sea. your supposed to die.

yea but not 2 runs in a row (i know how to play the game i just got fucked by rng)

in total thwts 4h of runs gone and i have very limited time

and he cant push out los because that patch includes a bunch of other stuff that isnt supposed to be done

Maple, It is what it is.

aight bro
give me your tester if you’re gonna quit


I once lost 3 in a row 6hours.
Once cause the fucking wave carried me for a whole minute to no where and died from water poisoning.
2nd cause my ship got stuck somehow.
3rd cause water poisoining on those massive circle islands while fighting


not a joke by the way maple
you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester you should give me your tester


I know your pain. Lost 21 Dark Sealed Chests for my Paladin after a Siren fight because lightning sniper me.

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i lost 14 chests 4 hours earlier because internet died on me

now lets see my past chest losses
like 20 to accidentially dashing into magma twice (i dashed ONCE and TOUCHED ONE PIXEL)
uhhh like 10 to a lightning strike

i think thats it i understand your frustration very well

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if you couldn’t lose hours of progress to random lightning bolts and disconnects the dark sea wouldn’t be Dangerous™

without Danger™, people might notice that you spend 95% of your time in the dark sea not fighting anything and it’s actually pretty boring

“your supposed to die”
OK, for every game tick you have a 50% chance to die
does that sound fair?
ok, how about 2%?
ok how about every 2 ticks
OK it only does 99% damage

where do you draw the line mate?

I got struck by lightning 3 times in a row and nearly died…Then died to a level 159 Atlantean. And there was also one time I got jumped by an Atlantean Brig IN THE INSANITY ZERO RANGE. ON MY WAY BACK TO THE BRONZE SEA.

So yeah, I can definitely feel your pain.

ik about that but ddhdgbbf
you people at least have time to play this was my 5th dark sea expedition ever

since the update has come out ive only gotten ~50 dark sealeds (2 successful expeditions)

imagine if instead of spending the majority of your time staring into the fog, praying not to get killed by random environmental effects, and bracing a million billion waves in the world’s worst rhythm game, there was lots of islands and boats and all the loot was guarded by enemies you needed to fight so you spent lots of time fighting

that would be really lame im glad vetex planned around this by adding Danger™ instead
when I think “challenging content” my first thought is “risking an hour+ of tedious timesinks”

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Well you are a tester… Figure it out

i hve figured it iut but i cant affect dumbass lighting rng

Yeah, it’s just not fun when you die for reasons that aren’t your fault.

Tell vetex to decrease rng. Bonus points if you convince almost every tester, maybe even the balance team