Im so sorry for spreading misinformation

Last time we fought bro i won. Dude u had paper and lost to lightning 3-0

yeah and you played passive, im not saying your hot garbage but i didnt typically play against such passive players

Also that was practically a year ago at this point

jeremi my best friend hello hi :wave:

ive never used paper, i main lightning?

He’s talking to me

replied to my reply headass :moyai:

Nah he was talking to me, replied to the wring person, i fought him withh paper awhile ago and lost


ok :moyai:

I hope your soul gets snatched and abused by demons tonight


Aab ur bad :nerd_face::nerd_face:

Ratio :joy_cat::joy_cat::-1::-1:

nahhhhhh you got me there :cold_sweat: :scream:
how will i ever come back from this ratio

exper isn’t passive lmao

why did this post summon like 6 dead people :skull:


That also reveals that guilds are somehow still active on pvp?

theyre not


Ayo Arc is pretty bad won’t lie.

chickenfarmer what the fuck