Immersive feature: house interiors

Immersive feature: house interiors
effort 4.769230769230769 13 quality 4.692307692307693 13 reasonability 4.384615384615385 13

This suggestion was inspired by the patch note that scared civilians would be able to run into their houses. I knew the interiors of sailors’ lodge rooms already existed and thought it would add much immersion to towns.

How it would work
To prevent massive lag, all house decorations would not exist until you go to a house. There would be a proximity prompt that says “knock” for famous and neutral players and “break in” for infamous players. When a famous or neutral player knocks, the decorations would load and an NPC inside would open the door for them and let them inside. When an infamous player breaks into a house, the decorations load, and the NPC inside quickly runs out. all decorations will despawn if a part in the house detects that the player hasn’t been in the house for 20 seconds, which would close the door.

The decorations
The interiors of houses would change based on the island they’re on.

Bronze sea:

Frames with fish in them, harpoons, a round table, a straw bed, and private storage.


A big fireplace, comfy bed, private storage, a bookshelf, a small table, and a coat rack

Palo Town:

Much private storage (rich town), bookshelves, normal beds, dining table

Blackwater Grotto:

Straw bed, firearms rack, private storage

Fort Talos:

Weapon rack, bunk beds, small table


Many private storages (rich town), Ravenna flag, dining table, Lar altar (Roman household god altar), bookshelves


Just a straw bed and a small table


same as Rubica but with less private storage


Samerian flag, medium table, bookshelves, normal bed

extra decorations as wanted

Comment if you want clarification or to fix something


yesss 1 more way to hide from gankers

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We can now break and enter YIPPEE
You lose fame (or get bounty) if you enter houses with permission :smiling_imp:

why the break in/door knocking in a game where houses are destroyed by the weakest attack tho, especially if it doesnt bring anything to the table
…like ok you go in the house, then what?

and im not against decorated houses, although we didnt need a suggestion for that. not like the idea was missing

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then you steal the private storage

ok i guess, still feels unnecessary when you can break the door open tho

well if you break the door, the house will go down with it

also I was thinking about the house npcs giving you some money if you’re famous

For this I think there is a better way.

Make a reasonable amount of enterable buildings, like shops and such.

In fact, the game had this from World of Magic to Cirrus Island, shops used to be enterable and it was sick.

Just put a couple of shops in buildings and boom, you’ve got spicy buildings without having NPC houses in this way.


I had really good idea for cities in Sameria, specifically the ones that have a little building edge with a window pushing to the front. Ngl as a WoM I kinda want interior buildings to be back, also the fact that you could hide from gankers makes this 100% cool, because I do not want to be shitted on when I have 10 fps.

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neat, integrates with the game well.

it does seem like a tad overcomplicated and i feel like there should just be a reasonable amount of enterable buildings like StocksSounds said, but still a cool idea to think about.

I just got double-ganked, I can relate

funnily enough and hour before this msg was posted I got ganked lmao

npcs should run out of their house if a villain walks in

For simplicity, the decorations could be there but be destructable, and would only load once you’re inside the town. But if the building takes enough damage to be destroyed, then all the interior stuff despawns, or atleast most of it.

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Lets say that vetex approves ur idea, whats the point for fame players to enter an npc house if there is nothing more than decoration or ideally there are private chest, this seems to be a bounty suggestion unless vetex decide to mix it with some relationed featured with thiefs like thiefs entering house to rob it or like a main house where thiefs hang there so players can raid the house and get renow

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Good one, didnt think about it, basically cause i didnt discover this game as WoM :frowning:

I like this idea a lot, would bring a nice feel to many towns imo.

A funny feature for if/when vampirism gets added, the player with it gets immediately eviscerated if they go into houses unwelcome.

Not really necessary, yeah it’s immersive but it isn’t a function that serves any game play purposes. Also with the fact that houses can be destroyed makes it less immersive and kinda just useless.

Maybe we could build NPC’s homes on our islands? Would be a unique feature to building features that could be given a purpose like livability.

Me using eagle patrimony to crumble down all the houses: